Church Bulletin
Sunday, February 5, 2023

Pastor Bryan Dick

Gathering to Worship

Prelude: “Praise My Soul the King of Heaven” arr. R. Hobby

Call to Worship

* Song of Response: “Immortal, Invisible God Only Wise” PH 460:1,2,4

* God’s Greeting

* Time of Praise: “Praise the Lord! Sing Hallelujah!” PH 146:1,2,4

  Blessing of the Quilts

Confession and Assurance

Prayer of Confession 

Assurance of Pardon

Song of Response: “God of Grace”

Offering Our Prayer and Gifts

Update on Summit House: Claudia

Congregational Prayer

Offertory: “Oh Blest the House Whate’er Befall” arr. A. Whitworth

Offering received for Christian Education Fund

Children are invited forward for a Children’s Message as the 

deacons come to present the offerings

The Word of God

Children’s Message

* Song of Preparation: “How Shall the Young Direct Their Way” (old Psalter Hymnal)

Scripture: Judges 18 (p. 256)

Message: “A Lasting Inheritance”


* Song of Response: “Unbroken Praise”


* Benediction

* Doxology: “One Generation Will Call to the Next” 1, 4

* Postlude: “Find Us Faithful” adapted from J. Schrader 

Organist: Marilyn Kooiman

Pianists: Elaine Vos, Joan Vander Haak

THIS MORNING Claudia Barbosa, Program Coordinator for Women’s Summit House, will speak to us. Welcome Claudia.  

THANK YOU to the SHINE kids for helping us move the quilting fabric and supplies from the church basement to the Quilt House on Wednesday. What a blessing to see so many kids helping with this ministry. We are excited to be back in the house! 

 ~Bethel quilters  

ADVANCE NOTICE: Mark your calendars for the church campout at Bryce Creek August 24-27!