Church Bulletin
Sunday, February 19, 2023

Pastor Bryan Dick

Gathering to Worship


Call to Worship

* Song of Response: “Holy, Holy, Holy Lord God Almighty” PH 249 

* God’s Greeting

* Time of Praise “Praise, My Soul, the King of Heaven” PH 475 

Confession and Assurance

Prayer of Confession 

Assurance of Pardon

Song of Response: “There Is A Redeemer”

Belgic Confession: Article 28 (responsively)

Offering Our Prayer and Gifts

Congregational Prayer & Prayer Requests

Offertory—Offering received for Faith Promise

Children are invited forward for a Children’s Message as the 

deacons come to present the offerings

The Word of God

Children’s Message

* Song of Preparation: “My God, How Wonderful You Are” PH 499:1-6

* Scripture: Judges 20: 1-17, 46-48 (pg. 259) 

Message: “The King Who Saves”


* Song of Response: “How Long, O Lord, How Long”


* Benediction

* Doxology: “May the Peace (Benediction)”

* Postlude

Pianist: Joan Vander Haak

Reader: Mark De Jong

WE GIVE THANKS that Bev's surgery on her broken wrist went well. Please keep her in your prayers as she heals. 

HAPPY BIRTHDAY to Gert Douma who will celebrate her 83rd birthday on Friday, February 24! 

BOB VANDER HAAK will be in Boutte, Louisiana February 25-March 18 as part of a World Renew DRS team. Please pray for Bob and the other volunteers and the clients they serve.  

GEMS SKATING PARTY – All local GEMS clubs will meet Wednesday February 22, 6:30 – 8:30 at Lynden Skateway. Let Elaine know if you’re coming so your entry ticket will be ready for you!

CLASSIS NORTH CASCADES will meet at 7 pm Thursday at Sumas CRC. Elder Kevin Te Velde, Deacon Paul Hiemstra and Pastor Bryan will represent Bethel.  

WE LOOK FORWARD to celebrating the sacrament of communion next Sunday. 

DEAR BROTHERS AND SISTERS AT BETHEL CRC: We want to express our heartfelt gratitude for your partnership in our church plant, Metro North.  Your past and continued donations have truly made reaching those who are lost and unchurched in Sterling Heights a possibility. We are in an exciting time moving our church from our home into a public space. Please continue to pray for us as we bring the good news of Christ to this community. To God be the Glory! ~ Pastor Steve, Mandy, Isabelle, Aiden & Carolyn