Church Bulletin
Sunday, April 9, 2023

Pastor Bryan Dick

Easter Sunday

Gathering to Worship


Call to Worship ~ Sunday School: “This is the Day”


* Song of Response: “Christ the Lord is Risen Today” PH 388

* God’s Greeting

* Song of Response: (bells then congregation)

“Low in the Grave He Lay” PH 396

Choir: “Resurrection Praise”

Grace and Peace

Baptism of Kairo Julius Gitamara

Song of Response: “I Will Sing of My Redeemer” PH 479

Offering Our Prayer and Gifts

Congregational Prayer

Offertory—Offering received for General Fund

Children are invited forward for a Children’s Message as the 

deacons come to present the offerings

The Word of God

Children’s Message

* Song of Preparation: “Hallelujah for the Cross”

Scripture: Luke 24:1-12 (p. 1051)

Message: “Remembering the Resurrection”


* Song of Response: “Christ Our Hope in Life and Death”


* Benediction

* Doxology: “O How Good is Christ the Lord” PH 401

* Postlude

Pianist: Laura Te Velde

Organist: Marilyn Kooiman

Brass: Les Mulder, Mike De Young, David Vos, Elaine Vos

Praise team: Carissa Hiemstra, Stephanie Dick

TODAY: Welcome to our Easter Worship! In addition to celebrating our Risen Savior we are also privileged to witness the baptism of Kairo Julius Gitamara. As a congregation we celebrate God's promises to Kairo, his family and Christ's church.  

SUMAS CRC invites us to a joint CRC Easter Afterglow service today at 6 pm. led by Pastor Russell Kent. The offering will be for Northwest Hispanic Ministries. 

THANK YOU to all who have participated in our Lent and Easter services. Our prayer and desire is that the special importance of repentance, forgiveness, and grace was made vivid with the symbols of ashes, purple cloth, sackcloth, the crown of thorns, and the kernels of wheat dying and rising to new life. We have been blessed by the artwork from Sunday School, as well as the help of readers, musicians, and extra attention from the sound and tech crews. Thank you!

POTLUCK NEXT SUNDAY: The Te Velde/Hiemstra Care Community will have a potluck in the basement next Sunday, April 16.  

JOIN US at 6 pm next Sunday, April 16, for a service led by Kings Men of Song.   

BACKPACK BUDDIES: During April we will be collecting single-serve cups/pouches (not boxes) of mac & cheese. These may not be available in all the Lynden grocery stores but are on the shelves at Walmart and Winco and can be ordered on Amazon. Your donations are greatly appreciated as we are now serving almost double the number of students we helped last school year, and more children are experiencing food insecurity.