Church Bulletin
Sunday, September 22, 2019

Pastor Steve Van Noort

Gathering to Worship


* Call to Worship

* God’s Greeting

* Time of Praise “Let All Things Now Living” PH 453: 1-2

“Come Thou Almighty King” PH 246:1-4

Confession and Assurance

Prayer of Confession 

Assurance of Grace

Song of Response: “Beautiful Savior” PH 461:1,2,4


Congregational Prayer

Offering for Building Fund


Prayer of Blessing for the Children

God’s Word

* Song of Preparation: “Let It Be Said of Us”

* Scripture: Isaiah 54:1-8 (p. 730) 

Message: “A Barren Woman and a Dead Marriage” 


* Song of Response: “Come Ye Sinners Poor and Needy”


* Benediction

* Doxology: “He Is Lord” PH 633

* Postlude

Organist: Marilyn Kooiman

Pianist: Elaine Vos

Praise and Prayer Service

Gathering to Worship


Welcome & Opening Prayer

* Songs of Praise: “I Stand Amazed” HFG 223:1,4,5

“He Leadeth Me” PH 452:1-3

Sharing Testimonies, Prayer Requests, Praises, Song selections

Offering Our Prayers and Gifts

Offering for New Way Ministries


Continued Sharing


* Benediction

* Doxology: “Praise God From Whom All Blessings Flow” PH 638

* Postlude

Pianist: Elaine Vos

Leader: Tim Holleman

PLEASE PRAY for Betty Wigboldy who is hospitalized with issues related to congestive heart failure. 

NEW ADDRESS: Arlene Noles, see printed bulletin.

POTLUCK TODAY: If you are visiting Bethel and do not have plans for lunch you are welcome to join us downstairs for a potluck following the morning service.   

PRAISE AND PRAYER SERVICE this evening. Please feel free to share a favorite song, scripture or how God is working in your life. 


THANK YOU: We are grateful to begin a new season of quilting in a clean house! Thank you to each leader and member of SHINE who gave of their time to make the rooms sparkle! ~Bethel quilting ladies

GEMS: Tomorrow, September 23, is our GEMS kick-off at 7:00 pm. Remember to bring any cozy blankets or fuzzy rugs you're willing to allow us to use for the year to create a comfy hang-out space at church! Girls, could you also bring a favorite picture of yourself? Any picture of yourself that we can put on our bulletin board for the year would be great! Also please bring your registration forms and money. Friends are welcome!

ADDITIONAL MTO VOLUNTEERS NEEDED: Would you like to help with MTO?  We are currently looking for prayer partners and more childcare helpers. If you have questions or would like to be a part of MTO please contact Marcia Mulder, Dee Hiemstra, Carissa Hiemstra or Mandy Van Noort.  

MENS WEDNESDAY EVENING BIBLE STUDY: Please join us for an evening of fellowship and Bible study beginning this Wednesday, September 25 at 7 pm at Arnold Folkertsma’s home. We will be studying “Irresistible” by Andy Stanley. Questions? Contact Arnold.  

SOUP SUPPER: Enjoy dinner with your friends and family before the LC football game this Friday, September 27. The Women’s Retreat committee is sponsoring a soup supper from 5-7 pm. We will feature homemade minestrone (gluten free and dairy free), pea and Dutch meatball soups. There will also be an expanded salad bar and of course dessert. Questions? Contact Mary Kok. 

INCLUSION MINISTRY: You are encouraged to attend the presentation next Sunday at 9:20 am when Cassi Erickson of Northside Community Church shares what her church is doing to be more welcoming and inclusive for children of special needs and their parents.   

NO EVENING SERVICE next week; fifth Sunday of the month.

THURSDAY EVENING BIBLE STUDY: Bethel's Thursday evening Bible study will begin again on October 10 at 7 pm. We are going to continue our study of the Psalms. We also enjoy many fun social times together. If you wish to join us, please let Norene Van Andel know by September 29.

SENIORS AGES 55 to 100: Registration for the October 11 seniors’ event at Sonlight CRC continues today and next week. Gladys Van Beek, our Bethel contact, will be at a table in the church library to sign you up or answer questions. Registration deadline is October 1.  

NEW CLASSIS: Please be in prayer for the first meeting of the new North Cascade Classis this week Thursday at Sonlight CRC. Pastor Steve, Dennis Bosman and Ken Herwerden will be attending.  

REMINDER TO BETHEL PARENTS: Due to excessive wear and some recent damage the Building and Grounds Committee is asking parents to explain to their children that the Van Noort’s play set is only for ages 11 and younger.