Church Bulletin
Sunday, October 20, 2019

Pastor Steve Van Noort


Prelude: “All Glory Be to God on High” arr. W. Held

* Call to Worship

* God’s Greeting

* Gathering Songs: “Praise, My Soul, the King of Heaven” PH 475:1-4

“O Church Arise”


Prayer of Confession 

Assurance of Grace

Song of Response: “I Sought the Lord and Afterward I Knew” PH 498


Congregational Prayer

Offering for Faith Promise

Offertory: “Faith of Our Fathers” arr. G. Young

World Hunger & Peterfish Introduction – David Vos

Children’s Message – Jill Sipma

God’s Word

* Song of Preparation: “How Firm A Foundation” PH 500:1,2,5

* Scripture: Colossians 3:18-25 (p. 1170)

Message: “The Gospel at Work”


* Song of Response: “A Christian’s Daily Prayer”


* Benediction

* Doxology: “Beautiful Savior” PH 461:1, 4

* Postlude: “A Mighty Fortress is Our God” arr. W. Held

Organist: Marilyn Kooiman

Pianist: Elaine Vos

Pastor Steve Van Noort

Gathering to Worship


Welcome & Opening Prayer

* Songs of Praise: “O Jesus, We Adore You” PH 472:1-3

“Abide With Me, Fast Falls the Eventide” PH 442:1-5

Offering Our Prayers and Gifts

Time of Prayer

Offering for Starfish Ministries


Hearing God’s Word

* Song of Preparation: “Have Thine Own Way Lord” PH 287:1-4

Scripture: Psalm 27 (p. 543)

Message: “Attitudes We Bring to Church”


Q & A Discussion Opportunity

* Song of Response: “I Will Glory in My Redeemer”


* Benediction

* Doxology: “He Is Lord” PH 633

* Postlude

Pianist: Elaine Vos

WE EXTEND our Christian sympathy to Bob and Joan Vander Haak, Brian and Bette Vander Haak and Michael and Lea Ter Beek, Nora, Muriel, Lydia and Joe in the passing of their mother, grandmother and great-grandmother Gertrude Statema. Gertrude’s memorial service will be at 1 pm Wednesday. 

HAPPY BIRTHDAY to Herb Korthuis who will celebrate his 84th birthday on Wednesday, October 23!  

GEMS: We get to hang out together again tomorrow night, 7:00-8:30 pm. Friends are welcome!

PROFESSION OF FAITH: Next Sunday we will be privileged to witness the profession of faith of Zachary Sipma. 

THANK YOU: SHINE thanks the congregation and community for a wonderful turnout and generous support at our spud feed last Wednesday. We are blessed. To God be the glory! 

MATTHEW 28 GROUP: The Matthew 28 group is meeting Saturday, October 26, 8 am at McDonalds. If you wish to chat about how to reach others for Christ please join us.

STAFF APPRECIATION: October is staff appreciation month at Bethel. Please make sure you pray for and lift up our staff – Pastor Steve and Mandy, Yuanita (youth), Elaine (worship), Sherry (secretary), Pam (bookkeeper) and Marv & Karen (custodians). Join us in a social time after church Sunday morning October 27 with refreshments and coffee cake. There will be a basket for cards or notes.

JOINT SERVICE: You are invited to join our sister CRC congregations for the annual Reformation Day service, Sunday, October 27 at 6 pm at First CRC Lynden. An offering will be received for Amor Viviente Church of Lynden. Nursery is provided.

CHURCH DIRECTORY: Contact information for the new directory is on a library table. Please make sure your information is correct by placing a check mark by your family’s name. NOTE: The format you see is not the way it will appear in the directory! Thank you.

WORLD HUNGER: 821 million people around the world are hungry. In two weeks, we'll be observing World Hunger Sunday, but God wants more than an observance of days--he wants our hearts. World Hunger Campaign devotionals are in your mailboxes and extra Peter Fish will be available in the back of church after today's service. Please take time over the next two weeks to consider His call to "spend ourselves on behalf of the hungry." It's an amazing opportunity that comes with a profound promise! 

BLESSING SHOWER: As we celebrate the life of Chance Paul Hiemstra we will look back by sharing childhood memories, traditions and reflect on how things have changed. We welcome all ladies young and young at heart! We look forward to this blessing shower on Sunday, November 10. More details and a sign-up sheet later.  

SHOE BOXES: Last year you helped the GEMS girls put together over 40 shoe boxes for Operation Christmas Child. Because of this, over 40 children and their families in Peru & Columbia had the opportunity to hear the gospel message! This year, the GEMS have set a goal of over 50 boxes! There is a can in the library for monetary donations so that we can purchase items to fill the boxes. We welcome your donations to help us reach this goal between now and November 10. Please make checks payable to Bethel GEMS. Ask Julie Ball, Tammy Holleman, Mary Kok, or Mandy VanNoort if you have any questions. Thank you for your support.

SANCTUARY ADJUSTMENTS: The Worship Committee and Building and Grounds are considering ways to make the front of the sanctuary more adaptable and conducive to worship. You may notice changes in furniture arrangements as they try out different ideas. Your feedback is welcome!


• November 14: Congregational meeting, preceded by potluck

• November 27: Thanksgiving Eve service