Church Bulletin
Sunday, February 2, 2020

Pastor Steve Van Noort

* Opening Praise: “Behold Our God”
“Holy, Holy, Holy Lord God Almighty” PH 249:1-4
* Call to Worship
* God’s Greeting
* Song of Response: “Unbroken Praise”

Celebrating the Lord’s Supper
Communion Preparation
* Heidelberg Catechism Lord’s Day 5
Serving the Bread: “His Mercy Is More”
Serving the Juice: “Jesus, Thank You”

Offering Our Gifts
Congregational Prayer
Offering for General Fund
Prayer of Blessing for the Children

God’s Word
* Scripture: Matthew 7: 24-29 (p. 966)
Message: “A Gospel-Centered Home”
* Song of Response: “Blessed Assurance” PH 490:1-3

God’s Blessing
* Benediction
* Doxology: “Doxology / Amen”
* Postlude

Pianist: Elaine Vos
Brendan Vandenberg

Pastor Steve Van Noort

Gathering to Worship
Welcome & Opening Prayer
* Songs of Praise: “I Will Extol You O My God” PH 185:1-3
“My Worth Is Not In What I Own”

Offering Our Prayers and Gifts
Time of Prayer
Offering for Bethany Christian Services

Hearing God’s Word
* Song of Preparation: “Christ the Sure and Steady Anchor”
Scripture: John 3: 1-8 (p. 1055)
Message: “What is a Christian? Part II”

* Benediction
* Doxology: “Oh How Good Is Christ the Lord” PH 401 2x
* Postlude

Pianist: Laura Te Velde

THIS MORNING we celebrate the sacrament of Holy Communion. Jesus invites all who are weary and heavy laden to find rest in him. He invites the young, old, rich, poor, strong and weak—all who have faith in him to come to the feast and be nourished. The bread is gluten free. 

INVITATION TO PARENTS: After this morning’s service the youth director search team would like to invite parents of the children of our church to hang out for a brief time so we can share some ideas and receive feedback. After we have feedback from the parents and process that, we will be ready to give the congregation an update. 

SHINE: This week we are planning to play NERF war. If you have any NERF guns at home, please bring them. There will be limited amount of NERF guns available for those who do not have one. Invite your friends!

NEXT SUNDAY Pastor Jim Visbeek will lead our evening service. 

GEMS: Our next meeting is February 10. Please pre-pay for skating on February 17 ($4.50) if you know you are coming, and wear or bring your pink GEMS shirt so we can order as needed. Feel free to invite a friend to our meetings or to skating!! 

WOMENS RETREAT 2020: Save the date for our next retreat on October 9-11. If you are interested in being part of this fun event, please contact Mary Kok or Mandy Van Noort as we can use more people on the planning committee.