Church Bulletin
Sunday, October 18, 2020

Pastor Steve Van Noort



* Call to Worship

* God’s Greeting

* Time of Praise: Psalm 100 reading & “I Will Enter His Gates”

“Christ Our Hope In Life and Death”

Offering Our Prayers

Congregational Prayer

Offerings for Faith Promise can be placed in the bags

on your way out (or mailed).

Peterfish Children’s Message

Hearing God’s Word

* Heidelberg Catechism Lord’s Day 42

* Scripture: Genesis 35: 16-29 (p. 35)

Message: “Finding God’s Grace in Our Pain”


* Song of Response: “Christ is Mine Forever”


Walk up, beginning with the balcony and back rows,

to be served by the elders in household groups. Please wait until

everyone is seated to partake.


* Benediction

* Doxology: “He Is Lord” 1-4

* Postlude

Pianist: Laura Te Velde

Praise team: Carissa Hiemstra, Jill Sipma

BIRTHDAY BLESSINGS to Herb Korthuis who will celebrate his 85th birthday on Friday, October 23!

THANK YOU: Thanks to everyone for all you to do get the CDs and other papers to me. I am praying to get back to church. Thanks again.

~John Kooy

THIS MORNING we will be sharing communion. Using the center aisle, come to the front of church and return on the outside aisles. A rover will be available to direct and assist as needed. Please wait until everyone is seated to partake.

BETHEL RESTRUCTURING: At the congregational meeting this past Tuesday, the motion to approve the Bethel CRC Restructuring Proposal passed. Thank you to everyone who participated at the meeting, and thanks to everyone that voted! Pray that God will bless our implementation of the proposal, especially as we begin the search for an Administrator.

WORLD HUNGER DEVOTIONALS: Over 1 billion people around the world are hungry. In two weeks, we will observe World Hunger Sunday. God gives us food for the body and food for the spirit. He has a place for all of us at His table. Pick up your World Hunger Campaign devotionals today in your box or in the narthex and spend some thinking about why and how we welcome others to God's table. Peter Fish are also located in the narthex.

MOMS TIME OUT: The MTO leaders ask for continued prayers this year. With public schools being closed and the uncertainty about Covid-19, we have decided to do a Bible Study on Monday nights for just the moms. The second meeting was held this past Monday and we are very excited to be together again and learn more about our Lord. Pray for the moms as many of them are in the thick of homeschooling and balancing young babies.

HELP STRUGGLING FAMILIES: We will be collecting toiletries, diapers, toilet paper and school supplies for Lynden School District Community Services for the next two weeks. Donations can be put in the box in the library. Monetary gifts will also be accepted and can be placed in Dolores Bosman’s mailbox, number 12.