Sunday Bulletin
April 21, 2019

Easter Sunday

Come and See

Prelude: “Welcome, Happy Morning” arr. G. Young

         “Christ, the Lord is Risen Today” arr. R. Bonam 

* Call to Worship

* God’s Greeting

* Time of Praise: “Christ the Lord is Risen Today” PH 388

Sunday School Easter Program


Congregational Prayer

Offering for Faith Promise

Offertory: “I Know That My Redeemer Lives” arr. R. Haan

Prayer of Blessing for the Children

Good News

* Song of Preparation: “Alleluia! Alleluia!” PH 387

* Scripture: Matthew 27. 62-28.15 (p. 992)

Message: “A Real Resurrection, a Real Hope”


Go With Joy

* Benediction

* Doxology: “I Serve A Risen Savior” PH 405

* Postlude: “Thine is the Glory” arr. G. Young

Pastor: Steve Van Noort

Organist: Marilyn Kooiman

Pianist: Jackie Van Dalen, Joan Vander Haak

Sunday School Readers: Rebecca Ball, Case De Jong, Chase Van Dalen, and Isabelle Van Noort 

Sunday School Leaders: Amy Vandenberg, Dee Hiemstra, Marcia Mulder, Sally Korthuis, Kerri Meenderinck

BIRTHDAY BLESSINGS to Vern Ammerman who will celebrate his 84th birthday on Saturday, April 27! 

PLEASE PRAY for Arlene Noles who was hospitalized for a bladder and kidney infection. 

THANK YOU: Dear Bethel family, thank you so much for all of your words of encouragement, congratulations and gifts at the blessings shower. We are so blessed to have the prayers and support of God’s family! ~Derek Visser and Stephanie Korthuis

JOINT CRC SERVICE TONIGHT: Come and worship the risen Savior in unity with your CRC brothers and sisters at 6:00 pm on Resurrection Day at the Sumas CRC. An offering will be for Reformed University Fellowship at Western Washington University. RUF is a ministry of the Presbyterian Church in America. Rev. Nathaniel Thompson is being used of the Lord for small and large group Bible studies, discipleship and evangelism on the campus of WWU. This is a unique opportunity to support a reformed ministry that is bearing fruit.

CHURCH DIRECTORY pictures will be taken before and after the service next week. 

TACO DINNER FUNDRAISER: The GEMS will once again be hosting their Taco Dinner Fundraiser for The Esther School from 5:00-7:00 pm on Thursday, May 2! Mark your calendars and plan to enjoy great fellowship while being served by the Bethel GEMS. 

NW HISPANIC MINISTRY: You are invited to attend Northwest Hispanic Ministry’s bi-annual banquet on Saturday, May 18 at 5:30 pm at Third CRC.

MISSIONARY NEWSLETTER: Steve and Sandy Frieswick’s latest newsletter is on the narthex table.