Sunday Bulletin
April 28, 2019

Pastor Steve Van Noort



* Call to Worship

* God’s Greeting

* Gathering Songs: “Come Thou Fount of Every Blessing” PH 486

“Glorious Day”

Celebrating GEMS Sunday

GEMS Theme & Litany (Katie Hiemstra)

Update about GEMS Activities (Hana Holleman)

GEMS Ministry Update

* Song of Praise “10,000 Reasons”


Congregational Prayer

Offering for GEMS Girls Club

Offertory GEMS Video Slideshow

Prayer of Blessing for the Children

Hearing God’s Word

* Song of Preparation: “Take My Life and Let It Be” PH 288:1-3,6

* Scripture: Luke 10 : 25-37 (p. 1032) 

Message: “Love Without Limits”


* Song of Response: “Hallelujah for the Cross”

God’s Blessing

* Benediction

* Doxology: “We Receive Your Blessing”

* Postlude

Pianist: Laura Te Velde

Praise team: Mandy Van Noort, Elise Ball, Brooklynn Sipma, Isabelle Van Noort, Kaleigh Vandenberg, Willow Rodriguez, Becca Ball (guitar) & Brendan Vandenberg (drums)

Praise and Share Service

Gathering to Worship


Welcome & Opening Prayer

* Opening Praise: “Come, People of the Risen King”

Sharing & Singing

Offering Our Prayers and Gifts

Time of Prayer

Offering for Northwest Hispanic Ministries


Sharing & Singing


* Benediction

* Doxology: “Be Exalted, O God”

* Postlude

Pianist: Joan Vander Haak

Leader: Marv Apol

WE EXTEND our Christian sympathy to Les and Lorna Molenaar in the death of his brother, Neil, of Wenatchee and Mark and Edie Tennant in the death of his father, Mac Tennant of Suttons Bay, Michigan.  

NEW RESIDENCE: Dave Douma is now residing at Christian Health Care Center. Please pray for him and Gert as they make this adjustment.  

THANK YOU Tuesday ladies! ~Carol De Jong

COFFEE AND CUPCAKES: Please join the GEMS for coffee and cupcakes downstairs today after the morning service. 

PRAISE AND SHARE SERVICE TONIGHT: We will have a cordless microphone which will be passed from person to person and if you would like to share a song, verse, reflection or an experience with the body of Christ, please feel free to do so.  

TACO DINNER FUNDRAISER: The GEMS will once again be hosting their Taco Dinner Fundraiser for The Esther School from 5:00-7:00 pm on Thursday, May 2! Mark your calendars and plan to enjoy great fellowship while being served by the Bethel GEMS. 

LITURGY CLASS: Next Sunday we will celebrate our newest liturgy class graduates: Gus De Jong and Nathaniel Vandenburg.

SUNDAY SCHOOL: Next week is the final Sunday School class for 2018-2019. 

MOM’S TIME OUT: Thanks to everyone who helped with MTO this year. We had a record number of women and children in our church Wednesday morning! There is a poster in the back of church where women wrote their appreciation to Bethel. If you would like to help with child care as a regular helper or sub next year please contact Mandy Van Noort or Dee Hiemstra.  

SENIOR BRUNCH: We are pretty sure the snow is gone till next winter so we are planning the Senior Brunch for Wednesday, May 15 at 11 am in the basement! Sign-up sheets are in the back of church--we would love to pick you up if you need a ride. Marlo, Carol and Bob will be sharing with us about their latest adventure. Any questions —talk to Dolores Bosman or Marilyn Haak. 

CHURCH DIRECTORY pictures will be taken before and after the service next week. 

NW HISPANIC MINISTRY: You are invited to attend Northwest Hispanic Ministry’s bi-annual banquet on Saturday, May 18 at 5:30 pm at Third CRC.

BETHEL MISSIONARIES: Don’t forget to pray for our Bethel missionaries as they are serving far from loved ones and often in challenging circumstances.

PLEASE REMEMBER members of our Bethel family that are unable to worship with us regularly.