Sunday Bulletin
August 5, 2018

Pastor Aaron Walters 



* Call to Worship

* God’s Greeting

* Gathering Songs: “Come, People of the Risen King”

“Holy Holy Holy Lord God Almighty” PH 249:1-4


Preparing our Hearts 

Serving the Bread: “Communion Hymn – Behold the Lamb”

Serving the Juice: “There Is A Redeemer”


Congregational Prayer

Offering for Christian Education Fund


Prayer of Blessing for the Children

God’s Word

* Song of Preparation: “Seek Ye First” PH 209:1-3

* Scripture: Matthew 18 (p. 978)

Message: "The Kingdom of Man and the Kingdom of God"


* Song of Response: “May the Mind of Christ My Savior” PH 291:1-5


* Benediction

* Doxology: “Salvation Belongs to Our God”

* Postlude

Pianist: Elaine Vos

Pastor Aaron Walters 

God Calls Us to Worship


Welcome & Opening Prayer

* Songs of Praise and Adoration: “I Will Extol You O My God” PH 185

“You Are Worthy” PH 232

“For I’m Building a People”

Offering Our Prayers and Gifts

Time of Prayer

Offering for New Way Ministries


Hearing God’s Word

* Song of Preparation: “Ancient Words”

Scripture: Luke 18:35-19:10 (p. 1043) 

Message: "Isolation"



* God’s Parting Blessing

* Doxology: “By the Sea of Crystal” PH 620

* Postlude

Pianist: Laura Te Velde

WELCOME to Pastor Aaron Walters from The Table in Bellingham, Pastor Aaron will be leading our services today and next week.  

THIS MORNING we celebrate communion. The bread is gluten free.

SUNDAES ON SUNDAY: Enjoy some ice cream tonight at 7pm on the church lawn. We’ve invited RTB families. Please make them feel welcome.


·        Elaine took home the wrong blue camp chair on Friday evening after the Rock the Block Carnival. Please check with her if your blue camp chairs don’t quite match at home! Let’s trade back.

·        A roll of orange duct tape went unclaimed from the Simple Box storage. Talk to Elaine.

PASTOR STEVE is on vacation this week. Please contact your care community elder if a need arises. 

OFFICE HOURS: For the weeks of Aug 6 – 10 & 13 – 17 the church office will be open minimally. Direct all secretary matters to Elaine while Sherry is gone. Office emails will be checked regularly and phone messages on Tuesday and Friday.

FREE BOOKS: To make room on our shelves we are giving away some of our older books that are on a specially marked table in the library. Take as many as you want! Also, the HFG songbooks under the table are free. 

BRIDGES OF HOPE newsletter and the Northwest Hispanic Ministry report are available in the narthex for those who did not receive them via email.