Church Bulletin
Sunday, April 11, 2021

Pastor Steve Van Noort



* Call to Worship

* God’s Greeting

* Time of Praise “Come, People of the Risen King”

“See What A Morning”

Confession and Assurance

Prayer of Confession 

Assurance: Belgic Confession Article 21: The Atonement

Song of Response: “Jesus Strong and Kind”

Offering Our Prayers

Congregational Prayer

Offerings for Christian Education Fund can be placed in the baskets on your way out (or mailed).

Hearing God’s Word

* Song of Preparation: “Yet Not I But I But Through Christ in Me” 

* Scripture: Genesis 38 (p. 38)

Message: “Grace in Severe Brokenness”


* Song of Response: “Broken Vessels” 


* Benediction

* Doxology: “Doxology – Amen”

* Postlude

Pianist: Elaine Vos

WE EXPRESS our Christian sympathy to Howard and Bev Nunnikhoven in the passing of Howard’s brother, Carl, of Oskaloosa, Iowa.

FROM WORSHIP COMMITTEE: A very big THANK YOU to all who participated in the Lent and Easter services! It was a blessing and encouragement to have our faith fortified by the sharing of your gifts and contributions. Thank you to Marcia, Gladys, and Jennie for bringing out the deep meaning of our theme of the Names of Jesus.

LIFT VOLUNTEERS NEEDED: We are looking for a few more men or women to operate the church lift on Sunday mornings. A new schedule will be finalized soon with volunteers serving one month at a time twice a year. Please email or phone the church office if you are interested.   

RESTROOM REMODEL: The upstairs restrooms are being remodeled to make them handicap accessible and will not be available for several weeks. Please use the downstairs restrooms located near the kitchen or around the corner from the council room.  

CONGREGATIONAL MEETING: Save the date! Our next congregational meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, May 11 at 7 pm.