Sunday Bulletin
October 7, 2018

Pastor Steve Van Noort



* Opening Praise: “Lord Most High”

* Call to Worship

* God’s Greeting

* Time of Praise “Unbroken Praise”

* Affirming Our Beliefs: Apostles’ Creed


Congregational Prayer

Offering for Christian Education Fund


Prayer of Blessing for the Children

God’s Word

* Song of Preparation: “My Worth is Not in What I Own”

* Scripture: Genesis 16 (p. 13) 

Message: “The God Who Sees Me”


* Song of Response: “Jesus What A Friend For Sinners” 1,2

(tune of I Will Sing of My Redeemer PH 479)


Preparation for Communion

Serving the Bread: “Come, You Disconsolate” PH 538:1-3

Serving the Juice: Music for reflection

(“Before the Throne of God Above” & “In Christ Alone”)

God’s Blessing

* Benediction

* Doxology: “Glorious Day”

* Postlude

Pianists: Amy Vandenberg, Jo Mans

Praise team: Jill Sipma, Nancy Wolffis, Doug Van Andel, Alvin Vos, Brendan Vandenberg

Pastor Steve Van Noort

Gathering to Worship


Welcome & Opening Prayer

* Songs of Praise and Adoration: “Wonderful, Merciful Savior”

“Come to the Savior Now” PH 535

“O How Good is Christ the Lord” PH 401

Offering Our Prayers and Gifts

Time of Prayer

Offering for Office of Race Relations


Hearing God’s Word

* Song of Preparation: “I Will Hide Your Word Inside My Heart”

Scripture: Psalm 13 (p. 534)

Message: “A Psalm for Those Who Struggle with Depression”


Q & A Discussion Opportunity


* God’s Parting Blessing

* Doxology: “Lord Dismiss Us With Your Blessing” PH 320

* Postlude

Pianist: Jackie Van Dalen

THANK YOU for your expressions of sympathy in the passing of our dad and grandfather. We are grateful that dad’s years of suffering are over and he is now rejoicing in the Lord’s presence. 

 –Alvin & Sherry, David & Elaine Vos 

COMMUNION will be celebrated this morning. The bread is gluten free. Our offering will be for the Christian Reformed Church Office of Race Relations.

NEXT SUNDAY MORNING a representative from the Gideons will have a brief presentation and short video. The offering next Sunday evening will be for the Gideons. A love offering envelope is in your church mailbox today.  

AARON WALTERS will be our guest pastor next Sunday evening. 

SPUD FEED: Our youth group’s annual spud feed will on Wednesday, October 24 from 5-7 pm. Come and support our youth ministry!

THE WOMEN’S RETREAT COMMITTEE thanks the congregation for coming out and supporting our soup supper fundraiser for our spring retreat. It was great to see so many smiling faces! 

COUNCIL is preparing for Bethel’s congregational meeting on November 13. Church members may submit their nominations for the office of elder or deacon to any council member. 

CHURCH MAILBOXES: Please check your church mailboxes each week. Many are not being emptied. Thank you.

BETHEL NEWSLETTER: We would like to include as many pictures of events (Sunday School, GEMS, Cadets, etc.) in each month’s newsletter. Please email pictures to The next newsletter will be distributed Oct. 28. 

SAVE THE DATE: Make sure to mark March 22-23 on your calendar for the Spring Women’s Retreat. The committee is busy planning a great weekend for any lady who would like to attend! It will be a wonderful time of fellowship, building new friendships, deepening current friendships and spending time in prayer and worship to our Lord and Savior.  

PLEASE REMEMBER Bethel members who are unable to worship with us regularly. (See the printed bulletin for names.)