Bethlehem Church of Christ (Winchester, OH)
September 19th, 2021

Micah 5:2ESV

(Note: Your offering to God can be placed in the container as you enter the back of the worship center)

Musical call to worship: “Faithful Now”

Welcome & Prayer

My Testimony              


Way Maker

The Solid Rock                      436

Personal prayer & reflection time as you use the communion packet you picked up  in the foyer upon entering.

Be a blessing !

O Little Town of Bethlehem (1)          169

Message                  Tom Claibourne

I Have Decided to Follow Jesus         468


Reminders & prayer 

12:00 - For those interested in serving in the Cafe,

           we are doing a ‘Tasting and Training’ for

           some of you to learn how we make things

           and what they taste like !


 6:00 - Prayer & praise in the auditorium.      


 6:15 - 1. Youth programming: 

                J.U.M.P.- Room 27 (FLC) 

                TeamKid - Room 22 (FLC)

                J.A.M. - Room 25 (FLC)

                Middle & High School (The Loft)


           2. Adults: A special time of celebration,

                challenge, & prayer in the auditorium,

                including a unique look at God.

To all those who have participated in the first two parts of the CCLN Church Survey, although our response has not been as good on the second, so far. There is still time ! More than 1,400 people have participated across the country.

Our adult evening class will feature this important theme. We’ll benefit from great video teaching and personal stories led by Kyle Idleman, followed by discussion. 

October 21, 7:00 pm

Since those who responded were evenly divided concerning a Thursday or Saturday, we left it up to the primary speaker who was not available on the Saturday we preferred.

This class will deal with medical & health care fraud, as well as other concerns. A representative will be here from Pro Seniors, and we hope someone local regarding bank/financial fraud.

Please fill out a small paper in the foyer letting us know how you brought joy and blessing to someone’s journey this past week. No names
