Blue Rock United Brethren In Christ
February 20th, 2022
Order of Service



The Friends Day, February 20, 2022


Prelude                                                                      Child of Love

Welcome and Announcements

*Sing Praise                                                    The Father’s House                     

+ Children dismissed to Junior Church


*Sing Praise                                                      Who You Say I Am

Special Music

*Hymn                What A Friend We Have In Jesus                630                                                      


Scripture                                                                    John 15:9-17

Message                             “Friend Day”

*Sing Praise                                                               The Blessing                                                                                                                                                     



* Please stand. (Feel free to sit or kneel)

First time attenders please complete a blue guest card & place in the offering.  We invite you to join our church family.

Be sure to invite your friends to church to hear about Jesus.


February 20, 2022                                                             John 15:9-17


I.         Jesus gives perfect _________ and ________ to His friends.

"As the Father has loved Me, so have I loved you. Now remain in My love.

If you obey My commands, you will remain in My love, just as I have

obeyed My Father's commands and remain in His love.                     John 15:9-10

I have told you this so that My joy may be in you and that your joy may

be complete.                                                                                              John 15:11



II.        Jesus’ friends _______ and ____________ for one another.

My command is this:  Love each other as I have loved you. Greater love

has no one than this, that he lay down his life for his friends.

                                                                                                        John 15:12-13

You are my friends if you do what I command.  I no longer call you servants, because a servant does not know his master's business.  Instead, I have called you friends, for everything that I learned from My Father I

have made known to you.                                                             John 15:14-15



III.       Jesus ___________ His ____________ friends eternally.

You did not choose me, but I chose you and appointed you to go and bear fruit--fruit that will last.  Then the Father will give you whatever you ask in

My name.                                                                                                    John 15:16

This is My command:  Love each other.                                         John 15:17


Upcoming Events


20th     Friend Day

22nd     Vacation Bible School Meeting 6:30 pm

23rd     Executive Leadership Board 5:00 pm

           Congregation Welcome 6:30 pm

27th      Mowery School Offering



2nd      Ash Wednesday – Lent Begins

15th     Senior Citizens – Parlor House – 11:30 am

16th     Executive Leadership Board 5:00 pm

           Congregation Welcome 6:30 pm




Prayer Requests

Who are YOU praying for this week?


Harold Rosenberger                                Debbie Knepper

George Walls                                          Noreen Selby                                                   Betty Monn                                              Kathy

Lee Eisenhard                                         David Hinkle


VBS Meeting will be held February 22 at 6:30 pm.  This is the kick off meeting for VBS. We will need help in each area. Please try to attend this meeting if interested to give your best to this outreach. This is a time that we get the community children in the church for 5 days to teach them about Christ. It’s a fun and rewarding time! Any help is appreciated, even if it can’t be for the full week. If you have any questions, please see Stephanie Doell.



Mowery Offering is February 27th. Please mark your envelope for Mowery School and place it in the tithing boxes. This offering will be given to the Mowery staff and will be used to help with a need that a child or the school has. One previous item that a Blue Rock Donation has helped was to purchase a washer and dryer that is used in many ways: for autistic support classrooms and for the children that have accidents. They also loan out coats to children for recess, if they do not have one, and they are washed after use. Let’s join together to help our community kids!



Poinsettias: Help yourself to the poinsettias in the lobby.



How to Give Online: We encourage you to begin giving through our new online giving platform, Faithlife Giving. It’s easy to make one-time and recurring gifts, plus view your giving history.  

Simply go to and click ‘giving’ in the top right corner of the webpage.

or text “Give” with the amount (e.g. “Give $50”) to 717-200-4911 and follow the prompts. For a recurring gift, you’ll need to create a Faithlife account so you can keep track of your giving methods. 

Please contact the church office if you have any questions. Thank you for being part of what God is doing at Blue Rock Church!


Clearstream: Opt into the Blue Rock Church Wide text service for

updates on church services, new events, prayer requests and weather related matters.


With Winter Weather approaching, it will be the fastest and most accurate way for the church to communicate with the congregation.


Test Bluerock to 94000, you will receive a text back asking for your name to verify the number.



Getting To Know You: We would like to introduce you to the congregation on the big screen with a picture and a short bio. 


We also will be starting an online directory through our Faithlife service. This is a private directory for Blue Rock Church only. More information will follow. 


Please see Pam Hinkle for sign up for a month this coming year!!