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Children and Youth Sabbath School
Adult Bible Study Classes
Pastor's Bible Class @ 10:00 am
"Little Lambs" SS Classroom
Current Study: Developing Biblical Values
Contact Pastor Pedro for more information
(925) 951-7041 or ptrinidad@carmsda.org
Welcome - Marvin Wray
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Text "Welcome" to (833) 269-6332
O How I Love Jesus
Fairest Lord Jesus
Jeremiah 29:11-13ESV
A'zalyen Blair
The Holy City
Arladell Nelson
Debbie Duckett
Children's Story - Virg Bello
Good Good Father
O Come to the Altar
Prayer - Dan Carr
Only God
Message - Marvin Wray
Heaven Came Down and Glory Filled My Soul
Arladell Nelson
Debbie Duckett
Vocals-Stephanie Ferguson, Holly Ferguson, Bobby Peña
Guitar-DJ Roberts; Violin-Olivia Roberts
We are sad to announce that Virginia Bergold passed away late last Thursday evening. Pastor Wray spoke with Orlando on Friday and he was dealing with it pretty well. Virginia had been ill for a while and this was not completely unexpected. However, the loss and all that comes with it is a challenge. Please keep Orlando and family in your prayers.
Sadly, we also lost Stan Snyder last Friday evening. Stan had been battling cancer for the past couple of years very courageously, but he had declined rapidly over the past month or so. Stan has been in Medford where he was able to get a lot of care from his family. Stan was quite a guy and he will be missed very much. Prayers for Cyndi and all the family are again appreciated. We don't have any information at this point as to services, but we will keep you informed as details become available. Thank you for being the loving and caring church family that you are.
Also, Tuesday evening we received a call that Bryce Hickerson passed away just three days before his 99th birthday. Bryce was a faithful member of Carmichael and served as its head elder and then as treasurer for more than 25 years. A memorial service for Bryce has been scheduled for Sunday, February 16, at 2:30 pm in the Youth Chapel.
Sanctuary Flowers are donated by Jim Echelberry and dedicated to everyone celebrating their birthdays in February.
Fellowship Luncheon You are invited to a Fellowship Luncheon today following the church service.
Harmony Songwriter’s Circle To all my friends and fellow creatives in the Northern California area, Chris Duckett and I are hosting a Songwriters Circle at the Carmichael Church. This is a laid-back time for people who are interested in songwriting and music production to come together to share tips, experiences, and songs. There’s always a handful present, and good discussions and music is shared. Our next session (FREE to all) is Tuesday, February 11, at 7:00 pm. You’ll find us in the Youth Chapel.
Ladies Who Lunch Join us for a Valentine luncheon Thursday, February 13 at 12:30 in the Fellowship Hall. Sign up at the Ministry desk today or reach out to Pat Moran at 650-492-3677 or moranpat@gmail.com. Bring a friend and share the love.
IF YOU ARE THANKFUL FOR SOMETHING IN MARCH! All March dates for Sanctuary flowers are available except March 15. The flower calendar is to the left of the Oasis Counter. The donation is $69.
Pastor Wray’s Office Hours next week are Tuesday and Wednesday from 9:00 am to 3:00 pm.
Hero Night: We appreciate our CCK leaders & children’s Sabbath School teachers! On Feb 19, bring your families for a full fancy dinner and an evening celebrating YOU. Fun awards will be given as a small token of our deep gratitude for your service to God’s kids and His kingdom. Dinner begins at 6:30 in the dining room of the Northern California Conference Office, 2100 Douglas Blvd, Roseville. Contact Pastor Melissa to reserve your table.
Mom’s Night Out this month features our Winter Escape at ASHA Urban Baths in downtown Sacramento on the evening of Feb 26. Come soak in a hot tub or unwind in a sauna - it’s an evening of rejuvenation for the body and the soul. Space is very limited - we have 15 spots at 6pm and 15 more at 7pm. Contact Pastor Melissa now to reserve yours now!
Leoni Meadows Carmichael Family Retreat Feb 28-March 2 is filling fast, but we still have space for YOUR family! Hike, climb, swing, sing, shoot an arrow, go-cart, worship, and fellowship - You won’t want to miss this wonderful weekend of social and spiritual connection. Lodge rooms and cabins are still available for families of any ages at leonimeadows.org. (Click on Retreats, then Upcoming Retreats, then select Carmichael SDA Family Retreat.) Sabbath breakfast/lunch will be provided. The archery honor will be offered for Adventurer and Pathfinder kids. Reserve your family’s escape to the woods today!
Game Night If you have nothing to do on March 1 and you would like some company, come over to the Fireside Room in the Fellowship Hall at 6:30! Bring your favorite Saturday night snack and we’ll play some games together! Steve, Marit, Bobby, and Jenni
CCK needs and ministry opportunities We are looking for a new CCK Basketball Leader once Dustin Comm finishes out this season. We also need a kitchen crew to help with staff meals for VBS, a CCK Movie Night crew, and a new leading lady for Moms Ministry. Contact Pastor Melissa for details. Come get involved in the lives of little ones - you can’t imagine the joy it will bring you!
Church Clerk We are seeking a volunteer to take on the church clerk duties. This role focuses primarily on working through the process of membership transfers in and out and managing our church member database. Time is flexible. Need somebody who is very organized and detail-oriented. If you are interested, please email Bobby Pena, Head Elder, at bpena@bp3.com.
NCC Constituency Midterm Delegates: We need 21 delegates for the NCC Midterm Constituency meeting. This is primarily an informational meeting on May 18th. Our delegates are due by February 19th. There are signup sheets in the lobby. Please consider signing up to be a part of our conference vision for the next several years.
Sermon Schedule:
February 15 - Dr. Steven Argue
February 22 - Marvin Wray
March 1 - Marvin Wray
March 8 - Pedro Trinidad
Looking Ahead
SABBATH, February 8
11:00 am - Sermon: Marvin Wray
12:30 pm - Fellowship Luncheon (Fellowship Hall)
2:00 pm - Adventurers (Youth Chapel)
2:00 pm - Pathfinders (Fellowship Hall)
TUESDAY, February 11
12:00 pm - Quilters (Fellowship Hall)
7:00 pm - Harmony Songwriters Circle (Youth Chapel)
THURSDAY, February 13
12:30 pm - Ladies Who Lunch (Fellowship Hall)
FRIDAY, February 14
7:00 pm - De. Steven Argue (Youth Chapel)
SABBATH, February 15
11:00 am - Sermon: Dr. Steven Argue
12:30 pm - Young Adult Potato Bar (Fellowship Hall)
2:00 pm - Dr. Steven Argue (Fellowship Hall)
Sunset Tonight, February 8 - 5:35 pm
Sunset Friday, February 14 - 5:42 pm
Small Group Ministry
- Are you part of a small group?
- Are you looking for study material?
- Would you like to learn how to lead a small group?
Click on one of the above options and let us know how we can help you get involved?