Year-End Donations All donations postmarked by December 31 will be credited to 2024. Online donations must be made before midnight on December 31. In-hand donations can be put in the mailbox to the left of the Winding Way entrance and will be picked up on the morning of January 1.
Reimbursements If you are entitled to a reimbursement from the church, please bring your receipts before the end of the year so we can charge the expense to 2024.
Hero Night has moved to the month of January. Stay tuned for dates and details on this very special night when we celebrate all our amazing Sabbath School Teachers and CCK leaders.
Communion Our next communion service and agape style meal will be on Friday, January 3, at 6:00 pm in the Fellowship Hall.
Community Services is collecting handwarmers, socks, gloves, scarves, jackets, coats and sweaters for the homeless. Please leave your donations at the Ministry Celebration desk on Sabbath or bring them to the church office.
Holiday Office Hours December 23-December 31, 9:00 am -1:00 pm.
There will be a memorial service for Mary Lou Reiber, a former member at Carmichael, Sabbath afternoon, December 28 at 3:00 pm in the Youth Chapel. The family would love to share with any current members who knew her. A light reception will follow in the entry way.
Flowers for the Sanctuary 2025 The 2025 flower calendar is on the bulletin board next to the Welcome Center. The donation will be the same as last year—$69. If you decide to donate flowers, please mark your contribution “flowers.” Also, if you would like a dedication in the bulletin, please email it to the church office by Wednesday
to: Thank you.
Pastor on Call: Each week, from Friday noon to Monday morning, a pastor is on-call at (916-487-8686.) The main office number will not be monitored.
Sermon Schedule:
December 28 - Marvin Wray
January 4 - Marvin Wray