Central Christian Church -s
January 5, 2020

Today’s Events

9:00 AM - Worship Service

10:15 AM-Sunday School



Nursery - The nursery is open and staffed for the 9 AM service. A short lesson is offered during Sunday School in the nursery for birth through 3 years of age.


Children’s Church - During the worship service, children age 4 through 5th grade will be dismissed during the sermon time for an age appropriate lesson. Children’s Church will conclude when the morning worship service is over.


Sunday School - Classes are provided for adults and children of all ages during the 10:15 hour.

This Week’s Events

Monday-Elder’s Meeting 6:30 PM

Tuesday-Prayer Room Prayer Time 6:30 –7:30 PM

Wednesday-Open Gym 6-10

Saturday-Prayer Breakfast 8 AM at the Brunch House









Central Christian Main Office





Central Christian Church



 Sunday School-Classes for all ages

   Bill Tucker: Adults - Acts                                 Activity center

   Mike Mosier: Adults - Ecclesiastes                        Conference Room B

   Tim Zehner:  Women of the Bible            Classroom #7

   Jim Luthe: Adults- Standard Lesson           Conference Room A

   Gayle Billingsley: Ladies- Men of the Bible Classroom #8 

   High School & Jr High         Loft area upstairs

   Children ages 4 through 5th grade meet in age appropriate

classes in the children’s wing.




Prayer Room -Tuesday

The prayer room is available to everyone on Tuesday evenings from 6:30 –7:30 PM. Please feel welcome to come and pray on Tuesday evenings during the designated time.



Communion Preparation

We still have several months available for volunteers to prepare communion. Please stop by the Welcome Desk and sign up for the remaining months. Please sign up next to the month that you prefer to prepare communion.

 Kid’s Shopping Day Breakfast

Place the date of January 25th on your calendar! The Kid’s Shopping Day Organization will have their annual KSD Pancake Breakfast on January 25th from 7 –10:30 AM. Kid’s Shopping Day provides school supplies, clothing, and hygiene products each August for the children of Lawrence County. A freewill offering will be taken for the breakfast. Please help support KSD and bring your family and friends to the KSD breakfast


Open Gym

Everyone is invited to open gym. Please come and enjoy the gym

 on Wednesday evenings. The kids play basketball during open gym but everyone is invited to join in. Open gym is on Wednesdays from 6-10 PM.



Fish & Loaves

Central is packing food for the Fish & Loaves program on Thursday, January 16th. Please meet at 6 PM at the Free Methodist activity building on Chestnut St. in Bridgeport, IL.


Our guest speaker this morning is


Jeff Robinson


From Oblong Children’s Home


Oblong, Illinois


Tom Buchanan from Highland Church of Christ will be our guest speaker on January 12, 2020


Prayer Breakfast

Beginning Saturday, Jan. 11th, Prayer Breakfast will be held at The Brunch House at 8:00 AM. If you would like to join us, please let Donna Mosier know before Wednesday the 8th so she can make the reservations.