Central Christian Church -s
February 16, 2020

Today’s Events

9:00 AM - Worship Service

10:15 AM-Sunday School

2:00 PM-VBS Meeting


Nursery - The nursery is open and staffed for the 9 AM service. A short lesson is offered during Sunday School in the nursery for birth through 3 years of age.


Children’s Church - During the worship service, children age 4 through 5th grade will be dismissed during the sermon time for an age appropriate lesson. Children’s Church will conclude when the morning worship service is over.


Sunday School - Classes are provided for adults and children of all ages during the 10:15 hour.

This Week’s Events


Tuesday-Prayer Room Prayer Time 6:30 –7:30 PM

Wednesday-Open Gym 6-10 PM

Thursday-Fish & Loaves 6 PM

Thursday-Sanctuary in use all day & evening.

Friday-Parents Night Out 5:30–8:30 PM

Saturday-McKinley Orchard Dinner


Central Christian Main Office





Central Christian Church


 Sunday School-Classes for all ages

   Bill Tucker: Adults - Acts                                 Activity center

   Mike Mosier: Adults - Gospel of Mark          Conference Room B

   Tim Zehner:  Women of the Bible            Classroom #7

   Jim Luthe: Adults- Standard Lesson              Conference Room A

   Gayle Billingsley: Ladies- Men of the Bible Classroom #8 

   High School & Jr High         Loft area upstairs

   Children ages 4 through 5th grade meet in age appropriate

classes in the children’s wing.



Prayer Room

The prayer room is available to everyone on Tuesday evenings from 6:30 –7:30 PM. Please feel welcome to come and pray on Tuesday evenings during the designated time.






McKinley Orchard Dinner-February 22

Last day to sign up!!! Don’t miss the fun this Saturday, February 22nd. The fun will begin at 4 PM here at the church while everyone sorts out who is riding the bus and who will be carpooling if needed. We will leave here and then drive to McKinley Orchard where reservations have been made for everyone. 





Israel 2020

Shane Bopp at Highland Church of Christ is organizing a trip to Israel on October 29-November 7, 2020. You can find details of the trip at discoveryworldwideministries.com. Click on the Israel Tour “Learn More Here” button. Then scroll down to the “Shane Bopp—Oct.29-Nov. 7” Tour. (Tours are listed in order of travel date.) If you are interested or have questions, you can contact Shane at Shane@hccrobinson.com or 618.553.5576. Brochures are at the Welcome Desk.

VBS !!!

Lydia Anderson is heading up VBS this year and the dates of VBS this year is July 12-16. Volunteers, workers, decorators, the list goes on of people who are needed to have a successful VBS. Please see Lydia Anderson or call 618-553-0589 if you would like to help out with VBS. The theme this year is Wilderness Escape. VBS travels along with Moses and the Israelite camp as they travel out of Egypt.


Parents Night Out!

The volunteers are eagerly waiting to babysit your children (ages 4 years through 5th grade) on Friday night, February 21st. You will need to register your child by calling Mary Ann Ricker at 618-240-1075 or the church office at 943-4217.


Chicken & Noodle Dinner –February 16

You can enjoy a chicken and noodle dinner at the Pizza House in Bridgeport from 10 AM to 1 PM today. The cost is $10.00 per adult and under 10 years $8.00. This dinner will help fund the Bridgeport Senior Citizen Center.  


Fish & Loaves

Volunteers! This week we will be packing food for the school children to take home for the weekend. Please meet at 6 PM February 20th at the Free Methodist activity Building on Chestnut St. in Bridgeport, IL.


Guest Speaker

Our guest speaker this morning is


Roger Songer



Carson Root is our guest speaker

 on February 23, 2020