Chinook Alliance Church
July 25, 2021

Women’s ministry game night will take place at the church on Wednesday, July 28th from 6:30-8:30 pm. Please bring snack and a friend!


Our annual Beaver Creek church retreat is just around the corner (August 6-8). We have reserved the “Marden” site once again. If you’re into camping, please join the others who will be making a weekend of it. If you’re only interested in the Sunday worship gathering, we will be getting together at 10:30 am. We will be eating lunch following the worship gathering. If you feel comfortable sharing a meal with others, bring something to pass around. If you are more comfortable bringing a lunch just for you (and your family) that’s ok too.


If you are willing and able to serve our church by cleaning it, please sign up for a month of ministry. The signup sheet is on the bulletin board in the foyer. Thanks!


We are open for public worship gatherings! Sermons will be posted on the website and our YouTube channel as well.


If anyone is interested in volunteering in the AV booth, please let Chelsie Fox know at There will be training for those interested in serving. 


Isaiah 40:3-5ESV