Chinook Alliance Church
July 17, 2022

Ladies Bonfire Night

July 23, Zurich Park

This event is open to all ladies, so please invite your friends. Children are welcome and there will be activities. Food and drinks will be provided. Call or text Kyli (390-2454, Farideh (945-3969) or Betty (390-4935) by the 20th to let them know you plan to be there.

Farewell Dinner for YAVs

July 24, 6 pm, Sweet Park

Beaver Creek Retreat

August 19-21, Marden site

Our annual retreat at Beaver Creek is confirmed. If camping out is your thing, please set up your tent or camper and enjoy God’s creation and fellowship with others. We will move our 10:30 am Worship Gathering to Beaver Creek on Sunday, August 20 and conclude with a potluck dinner.

If you have any prayer needs, please email your requests by Saturday to so that we can help you carry your burden on Sunday.

If you are an approved children's ministry worker and you would be willing to serve in our Kid's Church, please sign up for one of the open slots on the sheet on the back table. If you are not an approved children's ministry worker but are interested in becoming one, please talk to Pastor Ritch.

If you are willing and able to serve our church by cleaning it, please sign up for a month of ministry. The signup sheet is on the bulletin board in the foyer. Thanks!

If you are interested in serving in the AV booth, please let Chelsie Fox know in person or at There will be training for those interested in serving.

We are open for public worship gatherings! Videos of sermons are posted on our YouTube channel (Chinook Alliance Church).

2 Samuel 11:1-13NIV2011

David's Sin Surprises and Shocks Us

  • David's reputation
  • Bathsheba's beauty
  • Uriah's integrity

David's Sin Was Doubly Tragic

  • He was not where he should have been
  • It was not a great passion

Matt & Jeanette Griffin

(Montevideo, Uruguay)

Pray that God will continue to equip the Uruguayan church to make strides toward leadership and becoming discipleship makers. Pray for the national pastors that God will be their strength and encouragement. Pray for our team that God will direct our paths and show us where he is at work and that our team of IWs will take faith-filled risks to follow him.