Chinook Alliance Church
September 18, 2022

Appreciation Dinner

September 25, 5 pm, Blaine Co. Fairgrounds Commercial Building

We will be hosting an appreciation dinner for the many individuals who serve our community. The meal will feature a "Pitchfork Fondue." There is a sign-up sheet for side dishes and desserts. Following the meal, would will have a discussion with our guests regarding how we, as a church family, can partner with them in serving our community. Please RSVP by Sunday, September 11th.

Laura Rodriguez

October 20-23

More details to come...

If you have any prayer needs, please email your requests by Saturday to so that we can help you carry your burden on Sunday.

If you are an approved children's ministry worker and you would be willing to serve in our Kid's Church, please sign up for one of the open slots on the sheet on the back table. If you are not an approved children's ministry worker but are interested in becoming one, please talk to Pastor Ritch.

If you are willing and able to serve our church by cleaning it, please sign up for a month of ministry. The signup sheet is on the bulletin board in the foyer. Thanks!

If you are interested in serving in the AV booth, please let Chelsie Fox know in person or at There will be training for those interested in serving.

We are open for public worship gatherings! Videos of sermons are posted on our YouTube channel (Chinook Alliance Church).

1 Chronicles 29:11NIV2011

Defining Transcendence

Scriptural Basis

Personal Application

Renee Walker

(Gabon with aXcess)

Ministry Responsibilities: I serve IW families by praying for their families, helping them make educational choices for their children, and mentoring any homeschool teachers serving in the region.

How to Pray for Me: Continue to seek the Lord’s will first and growth as a mentor and coach for teachers and parents.