Chinook Alliance Church
March 1, 2020

There will be a fundraiser for Kody Farmer to be held on March 6th at the Eagles.

There will be a baby shower for Amber Kanning on March 8th, at 2:00 in the party room at the Grande Villa.

If you know of a family with young children (ages 3+) that could be blessed by receiving some toys, please see Nellie Jo Nicholson.

There will be a men’s weekend retreat at C Bar N Bible Camp in Augusta MT on May 29-31. John Erickson will be speaking. Check out the bulletin board for more information!

There will be a course by financial counselor Dave Ramsey starting up in February on Monday evenings. Call Roy or Renda Kelly for more information.

Wednesday evening Ladies Bible study will begin on February 19th. We will be starting the study of “NICE” by Sharon Hodde Miller. See Melanie to order a book.

If you would like prayer, or have questions, or just need to talk, please contact Ritch Grimes at 405-880-1266 or just stop by the Annex and see if he is in.

Genesis 1:26-27ESV