Chinook Alliance Church
March 7, 2021

We will be holding a special members’ meeting today, March 7, 2021 following the worship gathering. The purpose of this meeting is to elect an elder to fill our current elder vacancy.

If you are willing and able to serve our church by cleaning it, please sign up for a month of ministry. The signup sheet is on the bulletin board in the foyer. Thanks!

We are open for public worship gatherings! Sermons will be posted on the website and our YouTube channel as well.

If anyone is interested in volunteering in the AV booth, please let Chelsie Fox know at There will be training for those interested in serving. 

If you are not receiving emails, try checking your junk folder as they may be going there instead of your inbox. If you would like to be on the email list, you can fill out the connection card at the bottom of the bulletin.

James 2:20-26

o The Need to Connect Faith and Works

o Examples of Living Faith

▪ Abraham

▪ Rahab

o Faith Without Works Is Dead!