Bulletin - March 27, 2022
Covenant Presbyterian Church UA

Covenant Presbyterian Church

Fourth Sunday in Lent

March 27, 2022 – 10am

  Covenant is an accepting, welcoming community sharing the glory of God’s love with all.


PRELUDE Prelude from Suite No . 1 in G Major BWV 1007 by J. S Bach

     Arioso from Cantata BWV 156 by J. S Bach



Leader:  God’s reach is endless.

People: God’s mercy is unstoppable.

Leader:  God’s grace is lavish.

People: God’s love is constant.

Leader:  God’s wisdom is vast.

People: God’s hope is stubborn.

Leader: God’s presence is here—

People: with us, among us, moving through us.

Leader: Breathe easy. Breathe deeply.

People: We are in God’s house.

Leader: Let us worship the One who welcomes us home.

*HYMN #649 “Amazing Grace” (verses 1-5) Ribbon

1 Amazing grace, how sweet the sound,

that saved a wretch like me!

I once was lost, but now am found,

was blind, but now I see.

2 'Twas grace that taught my heart to fear,

and grace my fears relieved.

How precious did that grace appear

the hour I first believed!

3 Through many dangers, toils, and snares,

I have already come.

'Tis grace has brought me safe thus far,

and grace will lead me home.

4 The Lord has promised good to me;

his word my hope secures.

He will my shield and portion be

as long as life endures.

5 When we've been there ten thousand years,

bright shining as the sun,

we've no less days to sing God's praise

than when we'd first begun.


The prodigal son isn’t given a name, but we know his name. 

It sounds like ours.

And we know his story.

It sounds like ours.

For who among us hasn’t burned a bridge?

Who among us hasn’t forgotten that we belong to one another? 

Who among us has not ached for home?

The prodigal son isn’t given a name, but we know his name. 

Forgive us God. We want to come home.


HYMN #447              “We Are Forgiven” Ribbon   

We are forgiven.

We are forgiven.

Thanks be to God.

Thanks be to God.

We are forgiven.

We are forgiven.

Thanks be to God.

Thanks be to God. 

PASSING OF THE PEACE The peace of the Lord, be with you all. And also with you.

HYMN #188 “Jesus Loves Me” 



THE FIRST READING 2 Corinthians 5:16-21

We live not by bread alone, but by every word that comes from God. Thanks be to God.

THE GOSPEL READING Luke 15:1-3, 11b-32

The Gospel of the Lord.  Praise to you, O Christ.


Undignified God,

spirit of dangerous feasts,

inviting the unclean to your table:

find us in the far country

of hopelessness and greed;

free us from the prison 

of resentment and envy

and bring us back to life; 

through Jesus Christ, the friend of sinners.


SERMON “Full to the Brim: Prodigal Grace”         Notepad


We believe in a God who waits in the driveway for us.

We believe in a God who leaves the porch light on

and throws a feast when we are found.

We believe in a God who doesn’t stop looking for us when we get lost. 

We believe in a God of prodigal grace—

excessive, extravagant, over-the-top grace.

In response to this grace, we hold tighter to each other.

We remember that humans are not meant to go through life alone;

so we look for ways to welcome each other in, to live like we are family, and to lead with grace—excessive, extravagant, over-the-top grace.

We believe that this is our call. Let it be so. Amen.


OFFERTORY       "I Thought By Now" by Heather Sorenson

*DOXOLOGY #606      Ribbon                                                                                                                                                   

Praise God, from whom all blessings flow;

praise God, all creatures here below;

praise God above, ye heavenly host;

Creator, Christ, and Holy Ghost.  Amen.                                            

*Prayer of Dedication Cross 

Minute for Mission – College Study Care Packages


Our Father who art in heaven… (Hymnal p. 35. We say “debts & debtors.”)

*HYMN #418 “Softly and Tenderly, Jesus is Calling” Ribbon

1 Softly and tenderly Jesus is calling,

calling for you and for me.

See, on the portals he’s waiting and watching,

watching for you and for me.


“Come home, come home!

You who are weary, come home.”

Earnestly, tenderly, Jesus is calling,

calling, “O sinner, come home!”

2 Why should we tarry when Jesus is pleading,

pleading for you and for me?

Why should we linger and heed not his mercies,

mercies for you and for me? [Refrain]

3 O for the wonderful love he has promised,

promised for you and for me!

Though we have sinned, he has mercy and pardon,

pardon for you and for me. [Refrain]



POSTLUDE           Reprise of Softly and Tenderly

Unless otherwise noted, prayers in this service are by Rev. Sarah (Are) Speed | A Sanctified Art LLC | sanctifiedart.org

† From Prayers for an Inclusive Church by Steven Shakespeare. New York: Church Publishing, 2009

Assisting in Worship Today:

Anna Mizer–Liturgist

Brian Gray–Vocalist

Cora Kuyvenhoven - Cello

Ginny Faulkner – Violin

Campanile Handbell Choir - Nancy Davidson-Director, Katie Wynkoop, Carol Carr, Debbie Bratka, Lynn Turney, Jude McLean, Laura Hooks, Jenny Watson, Rebecca Frazer, Crystal King, Lisa Swartz, Robyn Hooks, Bonnie Beth, Amy Kendall, Linda Gabel, Kent White

Cherie Brooks – Director of Music & Technology 

Katie Wynkoop–Organist/Pianist & Assistant Director of Music 

Erin Wise – Director of Children’s & Youth Ministries

Brian Biller – Media Production Specialist

Rev. Joel A. Esala – Pastor

“New in Christ” by Rev. Lauren Wright Pittman 

Inspired by 2 Corinthians 5:16-21 

Digital painting