Bulletin - April 3, 2022
Covenant Presbyterian Church UA

Covenant Presbyterian Church

Fifth Sunday in Lent

April 3, 2022 – 10am

  Covenant is an accepting, welcoming community sharing the glory of God’s love with all.


PRELUDE       “Variations on Aberystwyth” arranged by Linker



Leader:  May we find courage here—

People: courage to follow our call, courage to live out our faith.

Leader:  May we find hope here—

People: hope for a better world, hope that refuses to let us go.

Leader:  May we find truth here—

People: truth that lives in sacred community, truth that lives in ancient stories.

Leader: May we find all that we seek.

People: And in our seeking, may we know God. Amen.

*HYMN #664 “Morning Has Broken” (verses 1-3)

1 Morning has broken

like the first morning;

blackbird has spoken

like the first bird.

Praise for the singing!

Praise for the morning!

Praise for them, springing

fresh from the Word!

2 Sweet the rain's new fall

sunlit from heaven,

like the first dewfall

on the first grass.

Praise for the sweetness

of the wet garden,

sprung in completeness

where God's feet pass.

3 Mine is the sunlight!

Mine is the morning,

born of the one light

Eden saw play!

Praise with elation;

praise every morning,

God's re-creation

of the new day!


Jesus of Nazareth,

we admit that often we tuck our faith into our pockets, hiding in a place of comfort rather than proudly declaring: yes we are Christian, yes we believe, yes this faith has changed me. We are so afraid of offending others or embarrassing ourselves that we have established rules: no faith at the dinner table, no faith in politics, no faith with strangers. Forgive us for whispering when we could be singing. Forgive us for staying quiet when we could be part of rewriting the narrative. We want to be brave. We want to pour out perfume over your feet. These things we pray, amen.


Family of faith, hear this good news:

Even in our silence, God loves us.

Even in our fear or shame, God chooses us. 

Even when we sin, God wraps us in grace.

You are free—to be bold, to be brazen, to be exactly who God called you to be.

Thanks be to God, amen.

HYMN #447              “We Are Forgiven”

We are forgiven. We are forgiven.

Thanks be to God. Thanks be to God.

We are forgiven. We are forgiven.

Thanks be to God. Thanks be to God.

PASSING OF THE PEACE The peace of the Lord, be with you all. And also with you.

HYMN #188 “Jesus Loves Me” 




The Gospel of the Lord.  Praise to you, O Christ.


Extravagant God,

lavishing your love

on our poverty of heart:

inspire us to give without stint,

to lose life

that we might find it again,

so the world will be filled

with the fragrance of your love;

through Jesus Christ, who offers himself for us. Amen

SERMON “Full to the Brim: Brazen Acts of Beauty”


I believe in beauty—

beauty pulled into being by our Creator, 

beauty that catches our breath,

beauty that turns us toward awe.

I believe in courage—

courage to believe,

courage to stand up for the people we love, 

courage to love without hesitation.

I believe in the Holy Spirit

who prays for us when we cannot, 

who is brave for us when we are not.

I believe in Jesus Christ

who stood up for Mary,

who quieted the voice of critique,

who welcomed every bid for relationship.

I believe in God.

I believe in God who believes in us. Amen.



OFFERTORY         "And Can It Be?" by Dan Forest

*DOXOLOGY #606                                                                                                           

Praise God, from whom all blessings flow;

praise God, all creatures here below;

praise God above, ye heavenly host;

Creator, Christ, and Holy Ghost.  Amen.                                            

*Prayer of Dedication

HYMN #368 “We Fall Down” (2x) Ribbon

We fall down;

we lay our crowns

at the feet of Jesus:

the greatness of

mercy and love,

at the feet of Jesus.

And we cry holy, holy, holy.

And we cry holy, holy, holy.

And we cry holy, holy, holy

is the Lamb.


See the back page of the Hymnal

*HYMN #201 “A Prophet-Woman Broke a Jar” (verses 1, 3, 4)

1 A prophet-woman broke a jar, 

by Love’s divine appointing.

With rare perfume she filled the room,

presiding and anointing.

A prophet-woman broke a jar, 

the sneers of scorn defying.

With rare perfume she filled the room, 

preparing Christ for dying.

3 Though woman-wisdom, woman-truth,

for centuries were hidden,

unsung, unwritten, and unheard, 

derided and forbidden,

the Spirit’s breath, the Spirit’s fire, 

on free and slave descending,

can tumble our dividing walls,

our shame and sadness mending.

4 The Spirit knows; the Spirit calls, 

by Love’s divine ordaining,

the friends we need, to serve and lead,

their powers and gifts unchaining.

The Spirit knows; the Spirit calls,

from women, men, and children,

the friends we need, to serve and lead.

Rejoice, and make them welcome!



POSTLUDE Reprise of A Prophet-Woman Broke a Jar

Unless otherwise noted, prayers in this service are by Rev. Sarah (Are) Speed | A Sanctified Art LLC | sanctifiedart.org

† From Prayers for an Inclusive Church by Steven Shakespeare. New York: Church Publishing, 2009

Assisting in Worship Today:

Terry Kennedy Mancini–Liturgist

Jason Guthrie–Vocalist

Cherie Brooks – Director of Music & Technology 

Katie Wynkoop–Organist/Pianist & Assistant Director of Music 

Erin Wise – Director of Children’s & Youth Ministries

Brian Biller – Media Production Specialist

Rev. Joel A. Esala – Pastor

Brazen Beauty

by Rev. Lisle Gwynn Garrity

Inspired by John 12:1-8

Acrylic on raw canvas with digital drawing