PREACHER FROM THE PEW Wednesday, April 6th, 2022


Wednesday, April 6, 2022


PRELUDE  ‘Tis So Sweet to Trust in Jesus with In Christ Alone                    arr. Tornquist


*OPENING ACCLAMATION (Congregation reads the bold print.)

We give praise in the name of the Maker, who lit the world and breathed the breath of life for us.  Glory to God in the highest.

We give praise in the name of the Son, who saved the world and stretched out His hand to us.  Glory to God in the highest.

We give praise in the name of the Spirit, who encompasses the world and blessed our souls with yearning.  Glory to God in the highest.

We give praise for the trinity of love:  God about us, God beside us, God beneath us; the beginning, the end, the everlasting One. 

*HYMN NO. 625  How Great Thou Art

Please be seated.


Let us pray.  

The knees of our hearts we bow

in the sight of God who created us, in the sight of the Son who died for us, 

in the sight of the Spirit who helps us, in friendship and affection.

Through your own son, O Maker of all, grant us the fullness our lives long for:

Love for God, love from God, the smile of God, the grace of God,

the wisdom of God, the fear of God, the imagination of God, and God’s purpose in all things.

So may we live in this world as saints and angels do in heaven.

Each shadow and light, each day and night, each moment in kindness, give us Your Spirit. Amen.

WORD OF GOD (Congregation reads the bold print

O God of the weak, O God of the lowly,

O God of the righteous, O shield of your people,

Speak now through Your Word.


Proverbs 3:5-6 (New International Version)

5 Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding;

6 in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight

Romans 8:28 (AMP)

And we know [with great confidence] that God [who is deeply concerned about us] causes all things to work together [as a plan] for good for those who love God, to those who are called according to His plan and purpose.

This is the Word of the Lord.   Thanks be to God.

MEDITATION            Jared McCune


Lord, during this Lenten Season, nourish us with your word of life and make us one with you in love and prayer.  Fill our hearts with your love and keep us faithful to the Gospel of Christ.  Give us the grace to rise above our human weakness.  We reach out with joy to grasp your hand; let us walk more readily in your ways.  Guide us in your gentle mercy. 

Lord, hear our prayer.

Lord God, you made us your children and called us to walk in the light of Christ.  Free us from darkness and keep us in the light of your truth.  The light of Jesus has scattered the darkness of hatred and sin.  Called to that light, we ask for your guidance.  Form our lives in your truth, our hearts in your love.  Give us the power of your Grace that we may walk in the light of Jesus and serve Him faithfully.  Lord, hear our prayer.

God, grant us your light this night, your grace as we sleep, your joy in the morning, and let us be made pure in the well of your health. 

Lift from us any anguish, take from us empty pride, and lighten our souls with the light of your love.

Jesus Christ, Son of God, Holy Spirit, Light of Life, shield and sustain us and all our dear ones, this night and every night.  Amen.

*HYMN NO. 649  Amazing Grace, How Sweet the Sound


On our heads and our houses, The blessing of God.

In our coming and going, The peace of God.

In our life and believing, The love of God.

At our end and new beginning, The arms of God to welcome us and bring us home. Amen.


POSTLUDE  I Have Decided to Follow Jesus                                            arr. Hayes

Money left in the Offering Plate by the door will be contributed to One Great Hour of Sharing.

(* Please stand if you are able to do so.)


Preacher from the Pew – Jared McCune

Liturgist – Maddie McCune

Pianist – Katie Wynkoop

TONIGHT’S PREACHER FROM THE PEW – Jared McCune began attending Covenant in 2010 when he and his wife Amy moved to Upper Arlington.  They have been married since 2008 and are blessed with two children, Madelyn and Liam, 10 and 7.

He is the chair of the Neighborhood Committee, an Elder serving on the Properties Commission, and has participated as a greeter at services.  Jared was also on the recent Pastor Nominating Committee that helped connect Covenant with Joel Esala.  

Jared has a Mechanical Engineering Degree and an MBA from Ohio University.  He works for the Olen Corporation as an Operations Manager and has been with the company since graduating from college in 2006. 


April 10 – Palm Sunday Worship Service, 10am 

April 14 – Maundy Thursday Service, 7pm

April 15 – Good Friday Service, 7pm

April 17 – Easter Worship Service, 10am

CREDITS: The liturgy for this service is taken from A Wee Worship Book, Fourth Incarnation, Copyright @1999 by Wild Goose Resource Group, the Iona Community, Glasgow, Scotland.  Used by permission of GIA Publications, Chicago IL.  Reprinted under CCLI license number 10199.  All rights reserved.

Covenant Presbyterian Church

Jared McCune

Preacher from the Pew

Wednesday, April 6, 2022  -  7:00pm