Eastside Baptist Church (Winfield, AL)
Sunday, April 19, 2020
  1. We will continue to follow the social distancing and quarantine guidelines for COVID-19 and will not meet for public services until further notice.
  2. Video messages for Sunday and Wednesday services will be posted here on our Facebook page and on our church website: eastsidebaptistwinfield.com/sermons
  3. If you are able, please continue to support the church and its ministries through your tithes and offerings. You may give securely online through our church website: eastsidebaptistwinfield.com/give or by sending a check to PO Box 1467, Winfield, AL 35594.
  4. We are collecting for the Annie Armstrong Easter offering through the month of April. You may choose to designate your online donation (or a portion of it) to the Annie Armstrong Easter Offering by selecting the "Add or Change Funds" button on the giving page. You may also write a note to designate for the Annie Armstrong offering if you are sending a check in by mail.
  5. If you have a need or know of a church member with a need, please contact the church office 205-487-2088 or admin@eastsidebaptistwinfield.com.