Evangelical Free Church of Embarrass
Sunday May 8th/Mothers Day

2 Peter 1:3ESV

DLBC BROCHURES | Camp brochures have arrived! There is a registration form in the brochure, or you can register online at dlbconline.com. Those who register by May 15 can choose a $10 discount or a free t-shirt. REMEMBER: Our church provides Bible Camp scholarships for those who need them. Contact Pastor Marlin about this. We want to make sure that whoever wants to go to camp gets to go!


BOWLING PARTY | Kids on the Rock will have an end-of-the-year bowling party on Wednesday, May 11 at 4:00 pm. If your child needs a ride to the Virginia Bowling Gardens, be at the church at 3:30 pm. Pizza and pop will be provided. Please pick up your child at 6:00 pm.


PANAMA MISSION | There will be a meeting of the Panama Missions Team on Wednesday, May 11 at 5:45 pm. If you are a part of this group, make plans to attend.


MINISTRIES TEAM MEETINGS | Sunday, May 15 at 11:30 am. The Christian Education Team will serve a lunch before the meetings.


WORKDAY & PICNIC | We will have a churchwide workday on Saturday, May 21 from 9:30 am to 4:00 pm. We will clean up, organize, and remove excess items no longer needed. These unwanted items will be free; first come, first serve, from 3-4 pm. To make it fun, we will also have a barbecue and picnic from 12-1 pm. It will be a great day to fellowship, making the workday more fun.


NURSERY WORKERS | If you would like to volunteer in the nursery during the Sunday worship service, sign up on the sheet on the nursery door. Lorenda Daugherty and Nicole Schroeder co-lead this ministry team. Workers need to have a background check done. Many hands make light work!


GUEST SINGERS | Bill and Kate Isles, a husband/wife singing + songwriting duo, will be with us on May 22 to share some music during our worship service.


SENIOR NIGHT | High school SENIORS AND THEIR PARENTS … Mark this date: on Wednesday, May 25 at 6:30 pm, we will have our ENGAGE Senior Night.


KOTR THANK YOU | Kids on the Rock is winding down this year, and we want to thank you for entrusting us with your children on Wednesday nights during the school year. We love your kids and enjoy hanging out with them every week and diving into the Bible and discovering more about our faith journey. They are a joy, and we pray you all have a safe and blessed summer together and we look forward to coming together next school year. Also, we want to say thank you to our wonderful teen leaders Aila, Kaija, Jossy, Weston, Josiah, & Samantha and the faithfulness of Mindy, who provided a weekly snack. We sure appreciate your servants hearts!! For Him, Mike & Brenda, Verna Mae, Tami, Robin, Christian, Amber, & Kim