We are an Independent Baptist Church emphasizing the Gospel through Bible preaching and teaching. By God's grace, we are helping folks understand that we are all lost, dead in trespasses and sin. There is nothing we can do to gain any favor with a Holy God. We are utterly helpless and in great need of a Savior. The good news (gospel) is that God didn't leave us there. Due to God's grace, He took on flesh, died in our place, three days later rose from the grave, and forty days later ascended back to heaven! The Bible says if we will repent, understand, believe, and put all of our confidence/faith in Jesus and what He did for us, we will be saved from an eternity without God. We are immediately adopted into His family to be with Him for all eternity. We then endeavor to apply God's truths to our daily lives in order to bring glory to our Lord while serving others.