First Christian Church St. Francis, Kansas
June 17th, 2018
Serving Today

Greeters: Rodney and Sondra Bracelin

Pianist: Tema Trumbo

Song Leader: Laura Brunk

Elder: Brad Matthies

Deaconess: Sondra Bracelin

Older Children's Church: Crystal Schultz and Makaila Matthies

Younger Children's Church: Hadleigh Hilt

Call to Worship

James 1:16-17ESV

Opening Worship Songs
  • Praise God, from Whom All Blessings Flow - Hymn #382
  • Father, I Adore You
  • This I Believe (Creed)
Scripture Reading

Isaiah 52-53ESV

Confession of Our Christian Faith

The Nicene Creed

I believe in one God, the Father Almighty, Maker of heaven and earth, and of all things visible and invisible.

And in one Lord Jesus Christ, the only-begotten Son of God, begotten of the Father before all worlds; God of God, Light of Light, very God of very God; begotten, not made, being of one substance with the Father, by whom all things were made.

Who, for us men and for our salvation, came down from heaven, and was incarnate by the Holy Spirit of the virgin Mary, and was made man; and was crucified also for us under Pontius Pilate; He suffered and was buried; and the third day He rose again, according to the Scriptures; and ascended into heaven, and sits on the right hand of the Father; and He shall come again, with glory, to judge the quick and the dead; whose kingdom shall have no end.

And I believe in the Holy Ghost, the Lord and Giver of Life; who proceeds from the Father and the Son; who with the Father and the Son together is worshipped and glorified; who spoke by the prophets.

And I believe in one holy catholic and apostolic Church. I acknowledge one baptism for the remission of sins; and I look for the resurrection of the dead, and the life of the world to come. Amen.

  • Joys and Concerns (scroll down for information on persecuted Christians in Malaysia)
  • Silent Prayer
  • Pastoral Prayer
  • The Lord's Prayer
  • Prayer for Offering

Click the following link to give online: Give Online

  • Communion Prayer
  • Communion Song - Nothing but the Blood - Hymn #266
  • Communion

Acts 2:1-13ESV

Conclusion of Worship
  • Song of Response - Spirit of the Living God - Hymn #155
  • Announcements
  • Benediction
  • Choral Response - God Be With You 'Til We Meet Again
Prayer Requests

Special Prayer is still requested for Matthisen Witzel. Matthisen is still dealing with a very painful infection. Please ask the Lord to cause the medication she is taking to be effective.

Special Prayer is also requested for Sherry Carmichael, Robyn Raile’s mother. Sherry had surgery in Denver on Wednesday, June 13th, to replace a valve in her heart. Thankfully, the surgery went well. Please pray now for her recovery.

Amanda (Susie Walz's daughter; spinal troubles), Barb Barnhart (recovering from a broken femur; now back home), Keith Bracelin (ongoing chemotherapy treatments), Rodney Bracelin (continual health), Compassion kids in Brazil, Esther Confer (breast cancer), Dean Dinkel (cancer surgical recovery), Emileigh Dinkel (recovery from ligament repair surgery), Henry Dinkel (cancer), Ron Donner (Paula Keller's brother-in-law; health concerns), Rebecca Dranchak (surgical recovery), Ron Ewing, Tina Fort (Shirley Watson's daughter; cancer), Tori Gano (surgical recovery), Doyle and Doloris Hall (Fort Collins), Wyatt Hilt (recovery from motorcycle accident), Dan and Sheree Keller and Campus Crusade staff, Tanner Kinen (recovery from accident with a bull), Pete and June Lauer (Brad Matthies’s and Leisha Hilt’s grandparents; health issues), Leonard Matthies (Brad Matthies's and Leisha Hilt's grandfather; now recovering in Burlington from hip replacement surgery), Julia McCurry (eye problems), Megan (radiation treatments), Laura Meireis (Laura Pugh's daughter; ongoing chemotherapy treatments), Patricia Nichols (Laura Pugh's daughter; currently has a brain shunt); Laura Pugh (surgical recovery), Kevin Ritchey (continual recovery after motorcycle accident), Rolle Stephens (friend of Brad Matthies; pancreatic trouble), Tita and Rosa (in need of adoption), Jo Turbeville (recovery of health), Cole Vap (Perry and Paula Keller's nephew; health concerns), Shirley Watson (surgical recovery), Carol Weeks (stage four melanoma cancer), Rob Webb (health concerns), family of Rob Wright (died recently), and Roger Zweygardt (recovery from artery stint procedure)

*Those residing in care/assisted care facilities: Gladys Cullum (St. Francis), Joan FINLEY Davis (California), Janetta Evins (St. Francis), Ron and Dot Hill (Greeley, Colorado), Margaret Hilt (St. Francis), Ella Mae Keller (St. Francis), Don Love (Kansas City), Debra McCurry (St. Francis), Gerri McCurry (St. Francis), Jane Milner (Goodland), Florence Peacock (St. Francis), Fleda Raile (Goodland), and Kenneth Roberson (St. Francis)

Baby Bottles Due Back Today

Baby bottles to support the Kansans for Life are due back today. If you did not remember to bring it with you today, please drop it by the office the early part of this week.

Offering Report

May Expenses: $5,452.84

May Offerings: $4,713.25

Last Sunday’s Offering (June 10th): $1,246.00

June Offerings (to date): $3,306.01

Marriage Friday - This Friday, June 22nd, at 7 p.m.

You're invited to join us for our next Marriage Friday Dinner and Discussion on Friday, June 22nd, at 7 p.m., in the Fellowship Hall.

Here is our opening question for discussion: What have you found helpful to lighten those tense moments in your relationship?

Our dinner theme is The Lighter Side. We'll go light and healthy with our dinner contributions.

We'll also make a decision as to what we will study next and how to go about that study. Your input will be helpful!

Let's continue to get ready for this year's Operation Christmas Child shoebox packing party. For June, we're looking for donations of toys. You can drop your donation off in the basket in the lobby.

June Mowing Volunteers

Saturday, June 23rd - Weeter Family

Saturday, June 30th - Tim and Robyn Raile