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    People will die twice. What? Yes, people will die twice. Not all people but some people (Revelation 20:11-15). The first death is a natural death (Hebrews9:27). The second death is a spiritual death, a separation from God for eternity. Let us share the good news with as many people as we can and spare them this second death. Who are you intentionally praying for their salvation. How are you investing in their lives? This is the good news, Jesus came, Jesus died, Jesus resurrected, and then he was seen by many. He is alive to give life to all those who would receive it. Accept you are a sinner, believe that Jesus’s died on the cross for your sins and rose again, turn from your unbelief as reflected by your deeds, pray and embrace Jesus as your personal Lord and savior. Say, Jesus, “I am a sinner, I believe you died for me on the cross and rose again, forgive me of my sins and come into my heart. I accept you as my personal savior and Lord, Amen.”
    1. I am blessed to have the Lord my God. To experience all the good things that I have experienced. Who am I that he should see me and be concerned for me?, Ps 144:3. I have experienced so many good things from him. How blessed are the people whose God is the Lord! (Ps. 144:15).
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        Today I am having a scan done. There is always the waiting when you have a test coming up and it’s difficult handling the thoughts and emotions, but I get through day by day. Isaiah 55:8-11 soothes my spirit and my soul, his deeds and plans are higher than mine. His deeds and plans are superior to mine. But most important the promise he has made does not return empty, no, it is realized as he has desired and fulfilled as he has intended. The comfort comes in the joy one will feel and the peace that will lead me along. 55:13 speaks of the final harvest instead of the thorn and nettles, the evergreens and firs are a monument to the Lord and a permanent reminder of what will remain. This is our victory over Illness, fear, and any other uncertainty. May God be praised!
        1. Perseverance and faith is required of the saints during difficult times...Rev 14. May we walk in faith and endurance under his grace and the power of the Holy Spirit.
          1. He was acquainted with illness and he experienced pain...Jesus. Isaiah 53.
            1. The Lord is worthy to receive power, honor and praise.
              1. Beautiful reading in Isaiah 40. It is good to contemplate the God we adore.
                1. We know God hears us, and we know therefore that we have what we have asked of him (I John 5:14-15). These are the “knows” that we must embrace as believers. Belief leads to knowing and knowing leads to personal confession of what we have asked of God. What an assurance!
                  1. There is no fear in love! We have been perfected in his love. We are covered by his love, his love has spared us from judgment. His banner over me is love!
                    1. The Spirit will guide us into all truth. All of the issues of our lives need to be filtered through the truth of God’s word. Jesus repeats the phrase, “he will tell it to you”. He will tell it to us. Ask the Holy Spirit this week to guide you through truth into all the choices you are making, or about the issues of life you are pondering. See what happens!