Front Royal Presbyterian Church (VA)
Virtual Bulletin- June 20, 2021
Happy Father's Day! 👔

Virtual Worship- June 20, 2021

Prelude  Give Me Jesus    Richard Billingham🎼

Welcome & Announcements 👋

Gathering Wind Who Makes All Winds that Blow 🎼

Call to Worship  

Strength is commanding the wind and sea to obey,

Strength is wielding a slingshot in the face of a raging giant.

Strength is accepting vulnerability from inside the boat,

Strength is standing in solidarity with the powerless.

Strength is turning a cheek,

Strength is loving an enemy.

We come to worship

a God who redefines our vision of strength.

Prayer of Confession 🙏

Lord God of all Creation we come to you from our storm-tossed lives to seek your peace; we come to you with our questions and uncertainties, our worries and anxieties, we come to you from our joy and our happiness-- each emotion a kaleidoscope of our feeling in life’s changing patterns.

We have not relied on your word or wisdom, we have not shown any concern or compassion when we should have; we have not loved our neighbor as we love ourselves. We have remained silent when we should have spoken and spoken when we should have been silent.

We seize the moment to ask you from our lives for yet another chance of hearing you say to us ‘Your sins are forgiven’. May the mark of that forgiveness be your grace in us as we respond with grace and gratitude to your love.

Response to Confession  O Holy Spirit, Root of Life 🎼

Assurance of Pardon 💦

Gloria Patri  🎼

Time with Young Believers

Call to Offering

Prayer of Dedication 🙏

Doxology 🎼

Scripture: Mark 4:35-41📖

Hymn  Glorious Things of Thee Are Spoken      John Newton/Frnnz Joseph Haydn🎼

Pastoral Prayer 🙏

Anthem   Great Day!         Spiritual🎼

Scripture: 1 Samuel 17:34-50 📖



Sending  Shalom Chaverim 🎼

Postlude   Flourish                Douglas E Wagner  🎼