Front Royal Presbyterian Church (VA)
Virtual- July 25, 2021

Virtual- July 25, 2021

Prelude  Spirit of Gentleness   Roberta Rowland-Raybold🎼

Welcome & Announcements 👋

Gathering Wind Who Makes All Winds that Blow 🎼

Call to Worship

The foolish say, "There is no God!

We are alone, on our own."

We gather to declare

the glory of God in our lives.

The foolish say, "It is your life;

you are accountable to no one."

We gather, strengthened by the Spirit,

trusting that Christ dwells in our hearts.

The foolish say, "Everything I have is mine;

I owe nothing to anyone."

We gather to praise the One

who calls us to serve others in love.

Prayer of Confession 🙏

Generous God

whose giving knows neither measure nor end,

We confess that all too often

we have kept our own hearts, hands and minds

firmly closed.

Forgive us for those times

when our own wants and wishes

have filled the horizon to the exclusion of all else,

and made us blind and deaf

to the needs and concerns of others.

Forgive us for those moments

when the fear that sharing what we have

will lead to our own impoverishment,

has kept us silent and still

when those around us are in need

Forgive us Father.

Help us to transcend self-centeredness, greed and fear

and to always to feel, think and act

as those who know the hope

that is rooted in the generous giving of God  

Silent confession.

Response to Confession O Holy Spirit, Root of Life 🎼


Assurance of Pardon 💦


Gloria Patria 🎼


Time with Young Believers

Call to Offering

Prayer of Dedication 🙏 


Doxology 🎼

Scripture Ephesians 3:14-21 ✝️


Hymn  Lord, I Want to Be a Christian🎼


Pastoral Prayer/ Lord’s Prayer 🙏

Special Music  Forlana (IV) from Five Bagatelles for Clarinet & Piano

Gerald Finzi, Karen Young, Clarinet🎼

Scripture  John 6:1-21✝️





Sending Shalom Chaverim 🎼

Postlude   Presto from Organ Concerto No. 4    George Frederic Handel 🎼