Front Royal Presbyterian Church (VA)
Virtual Worship- September 26, 2021

Virtual Worship- September 26, 2021

Prelude Center of My Life          Paul Inwood/Lynn Trapp🎼

Welcome & Announcements 👋

Gathering  Wind Who Makes All Winds that Blow 🎼

Call to Worship

“The earth is the Lord’s and all that is in it; the world, and all who live in it.”

As we worship, we celebrate not only those we love with two legs

But the four legged, the no legged and multi legged and we remember how God uses even them to show us a better way.

The fish that swallowed Jonah and saved him from himself.


The ravens that brought bread to Elijah.


The donkey that protected Balaam.


The dove that told Noah that he has reached dry ground.

We celebrate that God created them and called them good.

Let us worship the Lord our God.

Prayer of Confession 🙏

Almighty God, we come together to thank you

for the beauty and glory of your creation;

to praise you for your holiness and grace;

to acknowledge our responsibility to animals

and for our use of the created world.

And we confess that though we are made in your image, we have distorted that image by abusing your creation for our own benefit.

You gave us dominion over everything that walks on the earth, and we use to our own advantage.

We define dominion as power, and you would tell us it is mercy.

We fail to remember that all that you created is a gift, not to be discarded, exploited or unimportant.

We have misused our power, turned away from responsibility and marred Your image in us.

Lord, have mercy

Silent confession.

Response to Confession O Holy Spirit, Root of Life 🎼


Assurance of Pardon 💦


Gloria Patria 🎼


Time with Young Believers

Call to Offering

Prayer of Dedication 🙏 


Doxology 🎼

Scripture  Genesis 1:20-31 ✝️


Hymn   Lord, I Want to Be a Christian🎼


Pastoral Prayer🙏

Scripture Psalm 128 ✝️

Anthem   My Anchor Holds      WC Martin/Daniel B Towner 🎼




Sending Shalom Chaverim 🎼

Postlude   The Church's One Foundation        James Kosnick🎼