Front Royal Presbyterian Church (VA)
Virtual Worship- January 16, 2022

Virtual Worship- January 16, 2022

Prelude  Amazing Grace            Carl Schalk🎼

Welcome & Announcements 👋

Gathering  Come, Live in the Light (We Are Called)  🎼

Call to Worship

Today is a day especially created for you to find peace and hope.

You are invited to come, rest in the Lord.

Let the demands of your week melt away in God’s presence.

Lay your worries at God’s feet and feel the love and compassion of our generous and awesome God.

Confession 🙏

You have blessed us with a variety of gifts, Holy God, but we are reluctant to share. We hoard what is most valuable and make excuses for ourselves when called to share. The Spirit has blessed each of us uniquely, but we hide our light under a bushel and fail to rise to our potential. God, forgive us and embolden us. Help us to claim our gifts and put them to good use. Amen.

Response to Confession Come and Fill Our Hearts 🎼


Assurance of Pardon 💦


Gloria Patria 🎼


Time with Young Believers

Call to Offering

Prayer of Dedication 🙏 


Doxology 🎼

Scripture: Isaiah 62:1-5 ✝️


Hymn The Church's One Foundation  🎼

Pastoral Prayer🙏

Scripture: John 2:1-11 ✝️

Anthem  Faith is Patience in the Night      Mary Nelson Keithahn/ John Horman🎼




Sending Come and Fill Our Hearts 🎼

Postlude   Built on a Rock       Ludwig Lindner/Benjamin Culli🎼