Front Royal Presbyterian Church (VA)
FRPC Worship- November 19, 2023

Prelude   Celebrate with Gladness      Trad. Hungarian/Susan E Geschke

Welcome & Announcements 

Opening Prayer

Gathering  Lord, Listen to Your Children Praying 

Lord, listen to your children praying,

Lord, send your Spirit in this place;

Lord, listen to your children praying,

Send us love, send us pow'r, send us grace.

Call to Worship 

Lord, you have been our dwelling place;

we come today to rest in you.

You have been the voice that guides us;

we come today to listen.

You have been the host who feeds us;

we come today to be filled.

You have been our joy and crown;

we come today to sing your praise!

Opening Hymn #551 Come, Ye Thankful People, Come

Prayer of Confession

Merciful God, we confess that once again,

we have done what is evil in your sight.

We’ve made mistakes.

We’ve made missteps.

We have hurt people,

by action and inaction.

We have wounded creation,

by action and inaction.

We have chosen our ways over yours,

by action and inaction.

And if the sum total of what we have done

and what we have not done

adds up to evil in your sight,

then in your sight we ask you

to turn us towards goodness.

Forgive our past, and shape our future

that we might build your kingdom here.

In the strong name of Christ, we pray. Amen.

Assurance of Pardon

Gloria Patri

Children's Sermon

Children are invited to go to Children’s Worship with our Children’s Worship Leader. Children will return to their parents during the final hymn.

Call to Offering 

Offertory  Foundation                Rebecca Groom te Velde


Prayer of Dedication

Hymn #507 I Come with Joy

Tribute to Veterans

Scripture Reading: Psalm 123

Anthem  Autumn Carol of Thanks        English Carol/themes from JS Bach/arr. Nancy Gundahl

The autumn days have come again, once more the glad earth yields.

The golden wealth of ripened grain is waving in the fields.

And deepening shade of autumn woods, and glow of autumn air,

and winging thoughts and happy moods of love and joy and prayer.

The autumn days have come again, the birds are on the wing.

God's praises, in their loving strains, unconsciously they sing.

We lift our song for all the good that doth our cup o'erflow,

for autumn joy in field and wood, who giveth all, we know.

Each wonder of God's hand still makes our gladness fresh and strong.

The glory of our God still wakes the glory of my song,

Our voices lift we now in praise, our joy and thanks we bring,

For autumn's blessing through our days, with grateful hearts we sing.

Scripture Reading: Matthew 25:14-30

Sermon: “It’s All in How You Play the Game”

Celebration of the Lord’s Supper

Join with me in the Great Thanksgiving

The Lord be with you.

And also with you.

Lift up your hearts.

We lift them up to the Lord.

Let us give thanks to the Lord our God.

It is right to give our thanks and praise,


Great is the mystery of faith,

Christ has died,

Christ has risen,

Christ will come again.

Pastoral Prayer and Lord’s Prayer

Affirmation of Faith- (adapted from the Confession of 1967)

God’s redeeming work in Jesus Christ

embraces the whole of our life.

It is the will of God that God’s purpose for human life

shall be fulfilled under the rule of Christ

and all evil be banished from creation.

Already God’s reign is present as a ferment in the world,

stirring hope in people and preparing the world

to receive its ultimate judgment and redemption.

With an urgency born of this hope,

the church applies itself to present tasks

and strives for a better world.

It does not identify limited progress

with the kingdom of God on earth,

nor does it despair in the face of disappointment and defeat.

In steadfast hope, the church looks beyond all partial achievement

to the final triumph of God.

Closing Hymn Battle Hymn of the Republic   Julia Ward Howe/ William Steffe


Postlude  Now Thank We All Our God          Sigfrid Karg-Elert