Front Royal Presbyterian Church
May 3, 2020

Prelude  A Pastoral Triptych        Franklin Ashdown 🎼

Pass the Peace of Christ

During the video, you are invited to join the chat below the worship screen and share the Peace of Christ with one another. I would LOVE it if you would take a picture of your family worshiping at this time so that I can share those pictures online as well. You can email them or text them to me at 540-270-9177.

Call to Worship 🙌

Shout with joy to the Lord

Worship the Lord with gladness

Come before Him, singing with joy

Know that the Lord is God.

He made us and we are His

We are His people, the sheep of His pasture.

Enter His gates with Thanksgiving

Go into His courts with praise

Give thanks to Him and bless His name.

For the Lord is good

His unfailing love continues forever

and His faithfulness continues to each generation.

Prayer of Confession 🙏

We affirm today that God alone is 

the Good Shepherd and know the world will tell us differently and speak to us of things that are not of God.

We confess that we often get confused.

After the bells toll, we will pray together.

(Silent Confession)

Lord hear our prayer

Let us confess our sins together.

The Lord alone is my Shepherd.

Forgive me Lord when I seek out others in place of you.

When we put our trust in the people and the things of this world, instead of you.

(Silent Confession)

Lord hear our prayer

You supply us with everything we need and yet we still grasp for more and in our grief, we fail to notice our own selfishness affects all of your children.

(Silent Confession)

Lord hear our prayer

Lord would have us celebrate the sabbath rest and yet we burn ourselves out, take on too much and wear ourselves out as we seek out the things in this world instead of Your kingdom.

(Silent Confession)

Lord hear our prayer

And when you show us the path of righteousness, we confess that we choose our own way, follow our own paths and get distracted and lose our way.

(Silent Confession)

Lord hear our prayer

Today as we walk in this very dark valley in the shadow of death, we are frightened, we are scared and we are overwhelmed.

(Silent Confession)

Lord hear our prayer

And we confess that we fail to recognize you as the Good Shepherd.

(Silent Confession)

Lord hear our prayer

Assurance of Pardon                Remembering our Baptism   💦     

Time with Young Believers     

Do sheep only obey their Master's voice?                         

Don’t forget to keep up with your grateful chains!

Returning our Gifts to God

We invite you to rejoice with us in ministry by giving of your gifts and talents.

Online giving is available at

You may mail checks to the church or drop them by during office hours.

Scripture Reading: Psalms 23:1-6 ✝️ 

Special Music    Because He Lives     Gloria & Bill Gaither  🎼


Message… Good Shepherd Sunday  ✝️ 

Thank you to all of the essential workers!     


Prayers of the People and the Lord’s Prayer   🙏  

Communion of God’s People


Postlude  Variations on The Lord's My Shepherd    Franklin Ashdown 🎼