Front Royal Presbyterian Church (VA)
January 10, 2021

Welcome and Announcements 👋

Prelude  Blessed Jesus, We Are Here                Sigfrid Karg-Elert🎼

Call to Worship 🙌 

Listen up! God is calling.

Not just in the usual ways, but in the news, and the background music, and the silence.

Wherever you are: at home, at work, at school, at play…

whether those are all the same place or if they require careful planning to reach , listen.

Hear this reminder: God calls us, every one, to imitate Christ’s life.

Not just pretty words, not just for special people, not just in the perfect circumstances —

the Spirit’s voice leads us to action.

We long to encounter the Living Word,

in the sanctuary of our hearts and in the streets of our community.

Come, let us worship, and hear, and be transformed.

Confession of Sin🙏 

Life-giving God, you draw us to streams of faith

and yet we draw back from drinking

for fear of facing the truth.

Forgive us.

You call us to rivers of renewal,

and yet we will not bathe

for fear of commitment.

Forgive us.

You shower us with a flood of blessings,

yet we shield ourselves from them

for fear we need to change.

Forgive us.

Forgive us our timidity, O God.

Encourage us to face our flaws and failings

and find faith overflowing.

Assurance of Pardon                        Remembering Our Baptism 💦

Gloria Patri 🎼

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Ghost.

As it was in the beginning, is now and ever shall be,

World without end, Amen. Amen.

Time with Young Believers 🧒🏼👦🏻

Call to Offering

You may give online at or mail a check to the office. You may also check the website for a multitude of volunteer opportunities that are safe and little to no contact.

Scripture           Genesis 1:1-5 ✝️

Pastoral Prayer 🙏 

Anthem    Water, River, Spirit, Grace   Thomas Troeger/OL Cricket Harrison 🎼

Scripture           Mark 1:4-11 ✝️ 


Affirmation of Faith – Baptism Renewal

Hymn 72 When Jesus Came to Jordan 🎼

Ordination and Installation of Elders

Ruling Elder Class of 2023:

Deanne McVey

Lisa Venable

Randy Wertz

Tracey Ramey

Opening Scripture – David Edwards

There are a variety of gifts,

But it is the same spirit who gives them.

There are different ways of serving God,

But it is the same Lord who is served.

God works through each person in a unique way,

But it is God’s purpose that is accomplished.

To each is given a gift of the Spirit

To be used for the common good

Together we are the body of Christ,

And individually members of it.

Statement of Ordination and Installation



The Lord Bless and Keep You 🎼

The Lord bless and keep you,

the Lord make His face to shine on you

and be gracious, gracious.

The Lord bless and keep you,

the Lord lift His countenance on you,

and give peace, give you peace.

Shalom. Shalom.


Postlude   How Brightly Shines the Morningstar  

Andreas Armsdorff🎼