Front Royal Presbyterian Church (VA)
January 17, 2021

Welcome and Announcements 👋

Prelude  Trio                 Julius Reubke🎼

Call to Worship 🙌 

John points to Jesus.

And two follow.

Jesus called to Philip.

And Philip found Nathanael.

We ache for connections and peace and wholeness. 

All around us we see hatred, politics, and suffering neighbors.

How did we get here?

Why do we play at war when you teach us to do justice, embrace faithful love, and walk humbly?

What prevents us from living true to your breath which gives us life?

Open our hearts and minds.

Touch your image within us, make us one with you. 

Make us one with each other.

As you created us to be.

Christ calls: “Come and See.”

Let us follow and become glimpses of you in our world. 

Let us begin in this hour.

Let us worship and learn.

Open us to Christ’s transformation.


Confession of Sin🙏 

We are broken

As individuals, as a community and as a nation.

And we are unsure if we want to allow change to re-unite us.


We choose sides without educating ourselves


We allow our actions to speak louder than our words


We choose to remember only that which benefits us


We harbor ill will and resentment, we stubbornly believe we are the only way


We fail to give leaders an opportunity to lead


We don’t want to be humble, because that shows weakness and in our strength we fail to show the love of Christ.


We need forgiveness, renewal, opportunity, community, yet we fail to work towards it.


Forgive us Lord, as individuals, as communities and as a nation.

Remind us that as children of God we are to embody new truths, new life and offer love and forgiveness to all people.

Assurance of Pardon                        Remembering Our Baptism 💦

Gloria Patri 🎼

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Ghost.

As it was in the beginning, is now and ever shall be,

World without end, Amen. Amen.

Time with Young Believers 🧒🏼👦🏻

Call to Offering

You may give online at or mail a check to the office. You may also check the website for a multitude of volunteer opportunities that are safe and little to no contact.

Scripture          1 Samuel 3:1-20 ✝️

Anthem    Jesus Calls Us O'er the Tumult              Cecil F. Alexander/ William H. Jude 🎼

Pastoral Prayer 🙏 

Scripture           John 1:43-51 ✝️ 


Affirmation of Faith – Pastor Carrie and Clergy Video

Hymn Would I Have Answered When You Called 🎼



The Lord Bless and Keep You 🎼

The Lord bless and keep you,

the Lord make His face to shine on you

and be gracious, gracious.

The Lord bless and keep you,

the Lord lift His countenance on you,

and give peace, give you peace.

Shalom. Shalom.


Postlude   From God I Will Not Stray                Johann Krebs🎼

Upcoming Events

January Community Food Distribution (January 16th) will be postponed until February.

Date to be determined.

Sunday, January 24th, 12 pm

REACH Food Distribution: Our next REACH food distribution will be Sunday, January 24th, immediately after the worship service. Packed food will be on the church portico ready for delivery.

Thursday, January 28th

FRPC serves Dinner Together.

Home Cooks:  

  • We still need a few volunteers to pick up (from church) and cook/carve a total of four turkeys (we need a total of 120 servings)
  • Boxes/packages of instant mashed potatoes (a total of 120 servings)
  • Thanks to those volunteered to cook and bring cans of green vegetables! We have met our servings quota! Thank you! Thank you!

Kitchen Volunteers:

  • We need 2 volunteers to help prepare, warm, portion and pack 120 meals for delivery and pick-up. Set up distribution tables outside. 3-6 PM.


Delivery Volunteers

  • We still need a total of 4 volunteers to complete delivery routes, two teams of two. These teams will deliver meals to our home-bound guests in Front Royal. Each route takes about an hour to complete. 4:30-6 PM.


Distribution Volunteers:

  • We still need front line volunteers who will package and distribute meals to walk up guests. We need 2-3 to serve from 4-6 PM.

To volunteer to cook, work in the kitchen, help with deliveries, and/or help distribute meals please email Jill at and specify what you would like to do to volunteer. If you wish to prepare one of the above items, please, email Jill and specify what you would like to prepare and how many servings you would like to make. Food can be dropped off at First Baptist Church fellowship hall starting at 3 PM on January 28th.