Front Royal Presbyterian Church (VA)
February 28, 2021

Prelude   Come, Ye Disconsolate        J. Bert Carlson 🎼

Welcome and Announcements 👋

Gathering Lord, Listen to Your Children Praying 🎼

Call to Worship 🙌 

In the midst of our failures,

We stand in God’s grace.

In the midst of our struggles,

We boast in our hope through Christ.

In the midst of our suffering,

We claim the endurance given by the Holy Spirit.

In every part of our lives,

The love of our Divine Creator has been poured into our hearts.

Let us be open to this love as we join together in worship.

Confession of Sin🙏 

Holy God, we will be honest; this is really hard. It is hard to wear masks, to avoid public gatherings, to spend so much time watching screens. 

We’re losing patience, hope and we’re losing our grip on faith.

We are caught between the selfishness of wanting to do what we want without regard for others and wanting to be helpful and generous. Please forgive us.

Teach us to lean on you and on one another when the days get long.

Remind us of the light of love when we choose the darkness of this world.

In these strange days, search us as only you can…

Forgive us our failings.

And help us to offer forgiveness to others.

Response to Confession Kyrie 🎼

Assurance of Pardon                        Remembering Our Baptism 💦

Oh, I Know the Lord's Laid His Hands on Me 🎼

Time with Young Believers 🧒🏼👦🏻

Call to Offering

You may give online at or mail a check to the office. You may also check the website for a multitude of volunteer opportunities that are safe and little to no contact.

Doxology 🎼

Scripture   Romans 1:1-12 ✝️

Anthem Jesus Walked this Lonesome Valley         Spiritual🎼

Pastoral Prayer 🙏 

Scripture   Romans 12:9-21 ✝️ 

Message- More than Just a Ticket to Heaven

Hymn  The God of Abraham Praise 🎼



May You Run and Not Be Weary 🎼


Postlude   Out of the Depths I Cry to Thee        Friedrich Wilhelm Zachau🎼