Front Royal Presbyterian Church (VA)
Easter Sunday, April 4, 2021

Scripture Reading Mark 16:1-8 πŸ“–

Prelude  Jesus Christ is Risen Today  Robert J. Powell🎼

Welcome and Announcements πŸ‘‹

Gathering  Christ the Lord is Ris'n 🎼

Call to Worship πŸ™Œ 

Leader: Christ is Risen!

All: He is Risen Indeed.

Leader: Like Mary and the first women at the tomb, we celebrate your resurrection.

All: As you were made known to them on that first day of the week long ago, Make yourself known to us today.

Leader: Be known to us in our songs of praise

All: Be known to us in our words and deeds

Leader: Be known to us in the breaking of bread

All: Be known to us as we celebrate together that we are yours.

Leader: Christ is Risen

All: He is risen indeed.

Prayer of ConfessionπŸ™ 

Leader: Even as we rejoice, we pause.

For we know all is not right in the world.

All is not as you desire.

You are crucified again and again, laid in a grave, a stone sealing your tomb.

Congregation: You weep with children who are left behind as they hunger and thirst for basics of life.

Leader: In them you are crucified anew.

Congregation: You weep with the elderly who are neglected, forgotten, alone.

Leader: In them you are crucified anew.

Congregation: You weep with the victims of violence and war.

Leader: In them you are crucified anew.


Congregation: Forgive us Lord, for we have sinned


Response to Confession  Wade in the Water πŸŽΌ

Assurance of Pardon                        Remembering Our Baptism πŸ’¦

Response to Assurance of Pardon  Glory to God  πŸŽΌ

Scripture Reading Isaiah 25:6-9 πŸ“–

Call to Offering

You may give online at or mail a check to the office. You may also check the website for a multitude of volunteer opportunities that are safe and little to no contact.

Prayer of Dedication πŸ™

Doxology Praise the Lord with the Sound of Trumpet, vs. 2  πŸŽΌ

Hymn  Jesus Christ is Risen Today🎼

Pastoral Prayer πŸ™ 

Scripture Reading John 20:1-18 πŸ“–


Anthem  Because You Live, O Christ    Shirley Erena Murray/17th c. Dutch🎼

Invitation to the Table

Words of Institution

Communion of God’s People πŸ₯–πŸ·



Sending Alleluia (Honduran) πŸŽΌ


Postlude   Toccata on "We Know That Christ is Raised" 🎼