Front Royal Presbyterian Church (VA)
April 18, 2021 - Virtual Worship
Virtual Worship

Prelude Simple Gifts   J. Wayne Kerr đźŽĽ

Announcements đź‘‹

Gathering Christ the Lord is Ris'n đźŽĽ

Call to Worship

We need your presence on the long road, Lord.

The road between fear and hope,

the road between the place where all is lost

and the place of resurrection.

Like the disciples walking the road to Emmaus,

we are in need of your company!

Jesus, stand among us, in your risen power,

let this time of worship, be a hallowed hour.

Prayer of Confession

God, You have told us to trust in you with all of our hearts.

You have told us not to lean on our own understanding.

And so we try to trust,

but we get very nervous when we don’t understand.

We don’t understand what you mean by

“This bread is my body.”

“This cup is the new covenant in my blood.”

We don’t understand who will betray you

or why

or what that will mean for us.

We don’t understand how death is victory.

We don’t understand post-resurrection life–yours or ours.

We don’t understand why you ask us to stay here,

And we’re afraid we will somehow miss the power

when it comes down from on high.


Response to Confession  Wade in the Water đźŽĽ


Assurance of Pardon Remembering Our Baptism đź’¦

Response to Assurance of Pardon  Glory to God  đźŽĽ

Hymn Christ is Alive!  đźŽĽ

Time with Young Believers

Welch Community Garden Blessing

Call to Offering

In the beauty of nature… we see your magnificence

In the beauty of another human being… we see your image

In the beauty of fellowship… we experience your Spirit

In all things, just as we see you, as we worship, we also give thanks and we return, out of our many blessings these gifts and offerings. Receive them, receive us and use it all to your glory alone.

We thank you for your ongoing support of the ministries of Front Royal Presbyterian and invite you to join us not only through your gifts, but with your service, prayers and fellowship.


Prayer of Dedication đź™Ź

Doxology Praise the Lord with the Sound of Trumpet, vs. 2  đźŽĽ

Scripture:  Psalm 111 đź“–

Anthem Cristo Vive (Christ is Risen)🎼

Pastoral Prayer/ Lord’s Prayer đź™Ź

Scripture: Luke 24:36-49 đź“–



Postlude Christ is Alive!           J. Wayne Kerr đźŽĽ