Great Basin Reformed Presbyterian Church
June 13th, 2021

Great Basin Reformed Presbyterian Church

9725 S Virginia St

 Reno, NV 89511

Contact Info

Rev. Colin Samul                                              Elder Charles Shipman

775-636-2703                                                                  602-309-8670         



We welcome you in the name of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.

We hope you will be encouraged and edified, having heard Biblical

truth in love.


Great Basin RP is a member of the Reformed Presbyterian Church of

North America, one of the oldest denominations in the United States.

We are committed to the doctrines of Scripture and the formation of

loving community as a necessary fruit of the Gospel.


In light of the above, we believe that the most comprehensive and accurate summary of biblical teaching is found in the Westminster Confession of Faith, together with the Westminster Larger and

Shorter Catechisms. These documents were completed in 1647 as a summary of Christian belief and practice, with the desired intention of helping Christ’s church become unified in doctrine, government, and worship (John 17:11). In addition to the Westminster Standards, we also maintain the Testimony of the Reformed Presbyterian Church of

North America, which is our denomination’s own continuing and contemporary application of the Word of God to our current culture and context.

Set Up Schedule:

06/06 – Paul Adamson, Greg Kothman

06/13 – Eric Churchill & Miles Brazil

06/20 – Eric Maupin, Eric Churchill

06/27 – Owen Goggiano, Steve Pilcher

Nursery Schedule:

06/06 – Ashley Maupin & Ynez Goggiano

06/13 – Kobi & Sierra Kothman

06/20 - Sandi Churchill & Shanna Samul

06/27 – Ashley Maupin & Ynez Goggiano


Giving for the Month of June - $840 (Goal - $4250)


Oh come, let us worship and bow down;

Let us kneel before the Lord our maker.

Psalm 95:6



Great Basin Reformed Presbyterian Church


Today’s Schedule – June 13th, 2021

Catechism ...............................................................................2:30 PM

Evening Worship..................................................................4:30 PM


Psalm of the Month – Psalm 66A











*Call to Worship                                         Psalm 23


*Praise                                                           Psalm 23A


*Prayer of Invocation


Reading of the Law                                     Matthew 5:31-48


Prayer of Confessionc66


*Praise                                                           Psalm 130A


Scripture Reading                                       Luke 21:1-19


*Praise                                                           Psalm 91B


Prayer of Intercession


Scripture Reading                                     Isaiah 26:1-15


Psalm of Preparation                                    Psalm 119B (3,4)

                                                                     Tune: 100A

           Prayer of Illumination


           Sermon -        “God’s grace, God’s judgment, and God’s salvation


           *Psalm of Praise                                              Psalm 138A

           The Sacrament of the Lord’s Supper

           Words of Institution

           Psalm of Preparation                                       Psalm 116B

           Administration of the Sacrament

           Table Devotion

           *Psalm of Praise                                              Psalm 72F





*Tithes/Offerings to GBRPC can be placed in the donation box on the

back welcome table      







God’s Grace, God’s Judgment, and God’s Salvation (Isaiah 26:10-15)






Theme: God’s grace brings further condemnation to the wicked, while also saving the repentant; therefore all men are called to humble themselves and rely on His grace alone.


God’s Grace brings further Condemnation upon the Wicked (Vs 10-11)









Application: We are humble ourselves before God’s judgment and be a community of Refuge before the nations.



God’s Grace brings Salvation to the Underserving (Vs 12-15)












Application: We are to rely on the Grace of God alone.





Prayer Requests

·      Pray that the Lord would raise up Elders and Deacons at GBRPC

·      Pray for our Elder candidate, Greg Kothman

·      Pray for the building committee

·      Pray for Cindy Grabow who is nor cancer free!

·      Pray for Eric and Sandi’s son, Ryan, who is incarcerated.

·      Pray for Sandi’s coworker Shawn. His wife Pam has passed on and is with the Lord.

·      Pray for the Garrisons and Declan, who was born, but has needed surgeries. He recently had kidney surgery, please pray for a full recovery.

·      Pray for Andrew that he gets a better shift with his job so that he can worship with us each Lord’s Day.

·      Pray for Allison’s grandparents, that their medical and living needs would be met.

·      Pray for wisdom for the Kothmans in dealing with parental health needs. 

·      Pray for Kobi’s friend Kim who had surgery for breast cancer.

·      Pray for RP Church Planters and for Rev. Hemphill as prepares to plant a Church in Boise, ID

·      Pray for Ashley’s former roommate Jess, who has chronic COVID issues.

·      Pray for Eric Maupin who is having ongoing COVID issues

·      Pray for Pastor’s Family friend, Mark, who has Kidney Cancer

·      Pray for Randy who is a missionary in the Middle East

·      Pray for Owen’s coworker Tim who has pancreatic cancer and is not a believer.

·      Pray for Owen’s niece, Carter, who was diagnosed with neutrapina

·      Praise for Shanna’s recovery from ear surgery.

This Week’s Congregational Prayers

Prayer for our Nation

·      Pray that our leaders would come to know Christ and submit to him

·      Pray for repentance and revival in our land

Prayer for our Church

·      Pray for those who are discouraged and facing spiritual issues

·      Pray for future office bearers

Prayer for our Presbytery

·      Pray for more Ruling Elders in our Presbytery

·      Pray for our Church Plant in Boise, ID

Prayer for our Denomination

·      Pray for our upcoming Synod

·      Pray for vacant pulpits in the RPCNA

Prayer for Missions/Fraternal Denoms

·      Pray the RP of Scotland

·      Pray for persecuted brethren






This Week’s Doctrinal Meditation

I believe in one God, the Father Almighty, Maker of heaven and earth, and of all things visible and invisible.

And in one Lord Jesus Christ, the only-begotten Son of God, begotten of the Father before all worlds; God of God, Light of Light, very God of very God; begotten, not made, being of one substance with the Father, by whom all things were made.

Who, for us men and for our salvation, came down from heaven, and was incarnate by the Holy Spirit of the virgin Mary, and was made man; and was crucified also for us under Pontius Pilate; He suffered and was buried; and the third day He rose again, according to the Scriptures; and ascended into heaven, and sits on the right hand of the Father; and He shall come again, with glory, to judge the living and the dead; whose kingdom shall have no end.

And I believe in the Holy Spirit, the Lord and Giver of life; who proceeds from the Father and the Son; who with the Father and the Son together is worshiped and glorified; who spoke by the prophets.

And I believe one holy catholic and apostolic Church. I acknowledge one baptism for the remission of sins; and I look for the resurrection of the dead, and the life of the world to come. 

Amen. – The Nicene Creed













From the Pastor’s Study

The Lord’s Supper is an ordinance instituted by our Lord Jesus Christ. It is to be observed until He comes again, in remembrance of the sacrifice of Himself which He offered upon the cross. The physical elements of bread and wine represent the body and blood of the Savior, and are received by true believers as signs and seals of all the benefits of His sacrifice. The Supper signifies and seals remission of sins, and nourishes our souls to grow in Christ, and is a bond and pledge of our union and communion with Him and with each other as members of His body, the church. It assures us that God is faithful to fulfill the promises of the Covenant of Grace, and it calls us to renewed commitment to obey and serve the Lord in gratitude for His salvation. Christ Himself is present by His Spirit in the Supper, to make it truly a means of grace to those who receive it in faith. Those who partake of the Supper do so in thankful remembrance that the body of Christ was given, and His blood shed, for them. They rejoice in hope as they anticipate the completion of their redemption in that day when they will share in the marriage supper of the Lamb.


It is the duty of the church to warn you that if you do not trust in the Lord Jesus Christ for your salvation, or if you are living an ungodly, disobedient life, and have not repented, you should not partake of the Lord’s Supper, lest you eat and drink condemnation to yourself. The Lord’s Supper is for repentant and believing sinners, who, after examining themselves and seeking reconciliation with their brothers, come confessing Christ as their Savior. This warning is not designed to keep the humble and contrite away from the Lord’s Supper. On the contrary, the Supper is a means of grace offered to sustain weak pilgrims on their journey through the wilderness of this life. We who come to partake of the symbols of Christ’s body and blood, come as sinners whose only hope is the grace of God in Christ. We come in a worthy manner if we recognize that in ourselves we are unworthy sinners who need a Savior, if we discern His body given for our sins, if we hunger and thirst after Christ, giving thanks for His grace, trusting in His merits, feeding on Him by faith, renewing our covenant with Him and His people. If you are prepared to come in this way, then hear the Lord’s words of gracious invitation:




This Month at GBRPC

Today (06/13) – If you are a regular visitor please reach out to Rev. Samul about the Faithlife App for giving and Church communication.


Sunday (06/13) – We will be partaking the Lord’s Supper. Members and Adherents are encouraged to partake. Visitors will be required to speak with Rev. Samul or Mr. Kothman before partaking.


Weds. (06/16) – The Prayer meeting will be held at 4:30PM on Faithlife chat.


Thursday (06/17) – Sandi Churchill will be hosting a ladies Bible study at her house at 6:30PM. The Churchill’s address is 4711 Paso Robles Ct, Sparks, NV


Sundays (06/20-06/27) – Mr Jerry Foltz will be filling the pulpit while Rev. Samul is recovering from Synod and on vacation. If you are willing to host please let Greg Kothman know. 


Weds. (09/15) – Catechumens is on break for the summer. We will reconvene in September, and pick up on question 23 of the Shorter Catechism.







                                   Significant Dates in the Congregation


Ginger Kothman 6/5

Easton Pilcher 6/12

Mele Samul 6/20

Eugene Kothman 6/22

Paul Adamson 6/27



Matthew 5:31-48NKJV

Luke 21:1-19NKJV

Isaiah 26:1-15NKJV