Great Basin Reformed Presbyterian Church
July 4th, 2021
Evening Worship

 Great Basin Reformed Presbyterian Church

9725 S Virginia St

 Reno, NV 89511

Contact Info

Rev. Colin Samul                                                  Elder Paul Hemphill

775-636-2703                                                                  559-392-2139              



We welcome you in the name of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.

We hope you will be encouraged and edified, having heard Biblical

truth in love.


Great Basin RP is a member of the Reformed Presbyterian Church of

North America, one of the oldest denominations in the United States.

We are committed to the doctrines of Scripture and the formation of

loving community as a necessary fruit of the Gospel.


In light of the above, we believe that the most comprehensive and accurate summary of biblical teaching is found in the Westminster Confession of Faith, together with the Westminster Larger and

Shorter Catechisms. These documents were completed in 1647 as a summary of Christian belief and practice, with the desired intention of helping Christ’s church become unified in doctrine, government, and worship (John 17:11). In addition to the Westminster Standards, we also maintain the Testimony of the Reformed Presbyterian Church of

North America, which is our denomination’s own continuing and contemporary application of the Word of God to our current culture and context.

Set Up Schedule:

07/04 – Eric Maupin, Greg Kothman

07/11 – Eric Churchill & Miles Brazil

07/18 – Paul Adamson, Eric Churchill

07/25 – Owen Goggiano, Steve Pilcher

Nursery Schedule:

07/04 – Shanna & Mele Samul

07/11 – Kobi & Sierra Kothman

07/18 - Ashley Maupin & Sandi Churchill

07/25 – Ynez Goggiano & Mele Samul


Giving for the Month of June - $4270 (Goal - $4250)


Oh come, let us worship and bow down;

Let us kneel before the Lord our maker.

Psalm 95:6



Great Basin Reformed Presbyterian Church


Today’s Schedule – July 4th, 2021

Catechism ...............................................................................2:30 PM

Evening Worship..................................................................4:30 PM


Psalm of the Month – Psalm 104B











*Call to Worship                                         Hebrews 12:18-24


*Praise                                                           Psalm 104A


*Prayer of Invocation


Reading of the Law                                     Matthew 6:1-18


Prayer of Confession


*Praise                                                           Psalm 30B


Scripture Reading                                       Luke 21:20-38


*Praise                                                           Psalm 101B


Prayer of Intercession


Scripture Reading                                     Isaiah 26:16-21


Psalm of Preparation                                    Psalm 119C (1,2)

                                                                     Tune: Olive’s Brow

           Prayer of Illumination


           Sermon -                               “Joy and Humility from the Dust”


           *Psalm of Praise                                              Psalm 17C

                                                                      Tune: 33A





*Tithes/Offerings to GBRPC can be placed in the donation box on the

back welcome table      







Joy and Humility from the Dust (Isaiah 26:16-21)



Theme: God is bringing life and light to a world of sin and death; therefore we must rejoice in Him and be humble before Him.


God is bringing life and light (Vs 16-19)

           The Context of God’s Curse (Vs 16)



           The Universal Curse of Death and Futility (Vs 17-18)



           The Promise of Resurrection (Vs 19)



Application: We are already free from the curse of sin and death.



The Call to Rejoice and Be Humble (Vs 19-21)

           The Call to Sing (Vs 19)



           The Call to Humility/Prayer (Vs 20-21)



Application: We are called to live in light of salvation through a life of worship, prayer, and finding our life in Christ.


Prayer Requests

·      Pray that the Lord would raise up Elders and Deacons at GBRPC

·      Pray for our Elder candidate, Greg Kothman

·      Pray for the building committee

·      Pray for Eric and Sandi’s son, Ryan, who is incarcerated.

·      Pray for Sandi’s coworker Shawn. His wife Pam has passed on and is with the Lord.

·      Pray for the Garrisons and Declan, who was born, but has needed surgeries. He recently had kidney surgery, please pray for a full recovery.

·      Pray for Andrew that he gets a better shift with his job so that he can worship with us each Lord’s Day.

·      Pray for Allison’s grandparents, that their medical and living needs would be met.

·      Pray for wisdom for the Kothmans in dealing with parental health needs. 

·      Pray for Kobi’s friend Kim who had surgery for breast cancer.

·      Pray for RP Church Planters and for Rev. Hemphill as he is beginning to church plant in Boise, ID.

·      Pray for Ashley’s former roommate Jess, who has chronic COVID issues.

·      Pray for Eric Maupin who is having ongoing COVID issues

·      Pray for Pastor’s Family friend, Mark, who has Kidney Cancer

·      Pray for Randy who is a missionary in the Middle East

·      Pray for Owen’s coworker Tim who has pancreatic cancer and is not a believer.

·      Pray for Owen’s niece, Carter, who was diagnosed with neutropenia.



This Week’s Congregational Prayers

Prayer for our Nation

·      Pray that our leaders would come to know Christ and submit to him

·      Pray for an end to legalized abortion

Prayer for our Church

·      Pray for those struggling with depression and discouragement

·      Pray for future office bearers

Prayer for our Presbytery

·      Pray for our students under care

·      Pray for our Church in Las Vegas as they prepare for the ordination/installation of Mr. Edgar Ibarra

Prayer for our Denomination

·      Pray that the children of Marion, Ind., RPC will love Christ and grow strong in the Lord

·      Pray with Southfield, Mich., RPC that they Holy Spirit would richly bless the preaching of the gospel inside a rehab center in Detroit, Mich., and outside an abortion clinic in Eastpoint, Mich.

·      Pray for vacant pulpits in the RPCNA

Prayer for Missions/Fraternal Denoms

·      Pray the RP of Japan

·      Pray for persecuted brethren



This Week’s Doctrinal Meditation

We humble ourselves in the sight of the Just and Holy One, in view of the many and great iniquities of the land in which we live. The nation refuses to own its responsibility to God and to the Mediator, to recognize the supremacy of the Bible in national affairs, and to countenance and encourage the true Christian religion. Atheists, infidels, and all classes of vile men, are made constitutionally eligible to the most responsible positions under the government. Consonant with these essential effects, the history of the government has been largely one of oppression and injustice towards its aboriginal and colored people, and of iniquitous distinction of caste; while Sabbath desecration, prostitution of the oath, official corruption and dishonesty, profanation of the name of God, murder, drunkenness, excess and rioting, violation of the ordinance of marriage, vanity of apparel, sinful extravagance, lying and deceit, are become common and ordinary sins. These, and all other transgressions whereof our people and land are guilty, we desire to acknowledge, and to be humbled on account of them, that all men may see that righteousness belongeth unto God, and shame and confusion of face unto us, as appears this day.


And because the promise of mercy is made to those who not only confess, but forsake their sin, we do resolve and engage before the Lord carefully to avoid, for the time to come, all these offences, together with temptations leading thereunto; and to testify the integrity of our hearts in this resolution and engagement, and that we may be the better enabled in the power of the Lord’s strength to perform the same, we, in obedience to the command of God, comformably to the practice of the godly in former times and recognizing all that is moral in the Covenants of our worthy religious progenitors of the Second Reformation, do hereby give ourselves in covenant to God, to His Church, and to one another. – The Covenant of 1871





From the Pastor’s Study

“1. Those who, rejecting Scripture, imagine that they have some peculiar way of penetrating to God, are to be deemed not so much under the influence of error as madness. For certain giddy men75 have lately appeared, who, while they make a great display of the superiority of the Spirit, reject all reading of the Scriptures themselves, and deride the simplicity of those who only delight in what they call the dead and deadly letter. But I wish they would tell me what spirit it is whose inspiration raises them to such a sublime height that they dare despise the doctrine of Scripture as mean and childish. If they answer that it is the Spirit of Christ, their confidence is exceedingly ridiculous; since they will, I presume, admit that the apostles and other believers in the primitive Church were not illuminated by any other Spirit. None of these thereby learned to despise the word of God, but every one was imbued with greater reverence for it, as their writings most clearly testify. And, indeed, it had been so foretold by the mouth of Isaiah. For when he says, “My Spirit that is upon thee, and my words which I have put in thy mouth, shall not depart out of thy mouth, nor out of the mouth of thy seed, nor out of the mouth of thy seed’s seed, saith the Lord, from henceforth and for ever,” he does not tie down the ancient Church to external doctrine, as he were a mere teacher of elements;76 he rather shows that, under the reign of Christ, the true and full felicity of the new Church will consist in their being ruled not less by the Word than by the Spirit of God. Hence we infer that these miscreants are guilty of fearful sacrilege in tearing asunder what the prophet joins in indissoluble union. Add to this, that Paul, though carried up even to the third heaven, ceased not to profit by the doctrine of the law and the prophets, while, in like manner, he exhorts Timothy, a 85

teacher of singular excellence, to give attention to reading (1 Tim. 4:13). And the eulogium which he pronounces on Scripture well deserves to be remembered—viz. that “it is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, and for instruction in righteousness, that the man of God may be perfect,” (2 Tim. 3:16). What an infatuation of the devil, therefore, to fancy that Scripture, which conducts the sons of God to the final goal, is of transient and temporary use? Again, I should like those people to tell me whether they have imbibed any other Spirit than that which Christ promised to his disciples. Though their madness is extreme, it will scarcely carry them the length of making this their boast. But what kind of Spirit did our Saviour promise to send? One who should not speak of himself (John 16:13), but suggest and instil the truths which he himself had delivered through the word. Hence the office of the Spirit promised to us, is not to form new and unheard-of revelations, or to coin a new form of doctrine, by which we may be led away from the received doctrine of the gospel, but to seal on our minds the very doctrine which the gospel recommends.

– Calvin’s Institutes 1.9.1.





This Month at GBRPC

Today (06/27) – If you are a regular visitor please reach out to Rev. Samul about the Faithlife App for giving and Church communication.


Weds. (06/30) – The Prayer meeting will be cancelled until we start a new “in-house” prayer meeting twice a month in August.


Thursday (07/01) – Sandi Churchill will be hosting a ladies Bible study at her house at 6:30PM. The Churchill’s address is 4711 Paso Robles Ct, Sparks, NV


Sunday (07/18) – The TGB is calling for a congregational meeting at 6:15 for the purpose of reviewing the budget, and elected elder nominee, Mr. Greg Kothman, to the office of Ruling Elder (see attached edict).


Sunday (07/25 & 08/08) – Licentiate Seni Adeyemi will be filling the pulpit while Rev. Samul covers the pulpit in Fresno and goes on Vacation. If you are willing to host please contact Mr. Greg Kothman.


Weds. (09/15) – Catechumens is on break for the summer. We will reconvene in September, and pick up on question 23 of the Shorter Catechism.



                                   Significant Dates in the Congregation






Steve and Kelsey Pilcher 7/14/2014

Eric and Ashley Maupin 7/29/2017

Reading of the Law

Matthew 6:1-18NKJV

New Testament Reading

Luke 21:20-38NKJV

Old Testament Reading

Isaiah 26:16-21NKJV