Great Basin Reformed Presbyterian Church
August 8th, 2021

Great Basin Reformed Presbyterian Church

9725 S Virginia St

 Reno, NV 89511

Contact Info

Rev. Colin Samul                                                  Elder Paul Hemphill

775-636-2703                                                                  559-392-2139              



We welcome you in the name of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.

We hope you will be encouraged and edified, having heard Biblical

truth in love.


Great Basin RP is a member of the Reformed Presbyterian Church of

North America, one of the oldest denominations in the United States.

We are committed to the doctrines of Scripture and the formation of

loving community as a necessary fruit of the Gospel.


In light of the above, we believe that the most comprehensive and accurate summary of biblical teaching is found in the Westminster Confession of Faith, together with the Westminster Larger and

Shorter Catechisms. These documents were completed in 1647 as a summary of Christian belief and practice, with the desired intention of helping Christ’s church become unified in doctrine, government, and worship (John 17:11). In addition to the Westminster Standards, we also maintain the Testimony of the Reformed Presbyterian Church of

North America, which is our denomination’s own continuing and contemporary application of the Word of God to our current culture and context.

Set Up Schedule:

08/01 – Eric Maupin, Greg Kothman

08/08 – Eric Churchill & Miles Brazil

08/15 – Paul Adamson, Eric Churchill

08/22 - Owen Goggiano, Steve Pilcher

08/29 – Eric Maupin, Greg Kothman

Nursery Schedule:

08/01 – Shanna & Mele Samul

08/08 – Kobi & Sierra Kothman

08/15 - Ashley Maupin & Sandi Churchill

08/22 – Ynez Goggiano & Mele Samul

08/29 - Shanna & Mele Samul

Giving for the Month of August - $ (Goal - $4250)


Oh come, let us worship and bow down;

Let us kneel before the Lord our maker.

Psalm 95:6



Great Basin Reformed Presbyterian Church


Today’s Schedule – August 8th, 2021

Catechism ...............................................................................2:30 PM

Evening Worship..................................................................4:30 PM


Psalm of the Month – Psalm 104C











*Call to Worship                                         Psalm 23


*Praise                                                           Psalm 23A


*Prayer of Invocation


Reading of the Law                                     Exodus 20:1-17


Prayer of Confession


*Praise                                                           Psalm 51D


Scripture Reading                                       Mark 2:23-3:5


*Praise                                                           Psalm 92


Prayer of Intercession


Scripture Reading                                     Song of Sol. 5:2-6


Psalm of Preparation                                    Psalm 1A


           Prayer of Illumination


           Sermon -                     “The Sabbath as a Honeymoon with Christ”

                                                                                  Mr. Seni Adeyemi


           *Psalm of Praise                                              Psalm  45C






*Tithes/Offerings to GBRPC can be placed in the donation box on the

back welcome table      





Sermon: The Sabbath as a Honeymoon with Christ (Song of Sol. 5.2-6)


§1. Introduction

  1. Theme: The Sabbath as a honeymoon with Christ.

  2. Doctrine: That when Christ calls us to commune with him, we must not neglect him, lest he withdraws himself from us until we repent.

  3. Application: We will apply this doctrine to the Sabbath as follows: Every week Christ calls us to commune with him on the Lord’s Day that he may lavish us in his love, and our neglect of him causes him to withdraw himself.

§2. Exposition

  1. Introduction to the Song of Solomon:

  2. Summary of Context (4.12-5.1):

  3. Verse-by-verse Exposition:

a.                             Christ Calls (v. 2)

Application: Give earnest heed to Christ’s call to communion.

b.                            Convenient Excuses (vv. 3-4)

Application: Put aside reasonable-sounding excuses to neglect Christ.

Christ Withdraws (vv. 5-6)

Application: Turn to Christ with godly sorrow, and he will turn to you.


Prayer Requests

·      Pray that the Lord would raise up Elders and Deacons at GBRPC

·      Pray for our Elder candidate, Greg Kothman

·      Pray for the building committee

·      Pray for Eric and Sandi’s son, Ryan, who is incarcerated.

·      Pray for Sandi’s coworker Shawn. His wife Pam has passed on and is with the Lord.

·      Pray for Sandi’s Aunt Jackie who has been diagnosed with stage 4 cancer.

·      Pray for Eric’s mother Marlene, who fell and broke her leg and shoulder.

·      Pray for the Garrisons and Declan, who was born, but has needed surgeries. He recently had kidney surgery, please pray for a full recovery.

·      Pray for Andrew that he gets a better shift with his job so that he can worship with us each Lord’s Day.

·      Pray for Allison’s grandparents, that their medical and living needs would be met.

·      Pray for wisdom for the Kothmans in dealing with parental health needs. 

·      Pray for Kobi’s friend Kim who had surgery for breast cancer.

·      Pray for RP Church Planters and for Rev. Hemphill as he is beginning to church plant in Boise, ID.

·      Pray for Ashley’s former roommate Jess, who has chronic COVID issues.

·      Pray for Eric Maupin who is having ongoing COVID issues

·      Pray for Pastor’s Family friend, Mark, who has Kidney Cancer

·      Pray for Randy who is a missionary in the Middle East

·      Pray for Owen’s coworker Tim who has pancreatic cancer and is not a believer.

·      Pray for Owen’s niece, Carter, who was diagnosed with neutropenia.

·      Pray for Deacon Eric Mulder at the Edmonton, CA Congregation, who was just diagnosed with an inoperable brain tumor.

This Week’s Congregational Prayers

Prayer for our Nation

·      Pray that our leaders would come to know Christ and submit to him

·      Pray for revival and reformation in our churches

Prayer for our Church

·      Pray for spiritual and numerical growth

·      Pray for our covenant children

Prayer for our Presbytery

·      Pray for our congregation in West Vancouver

·      Pray for our Church in Edmonton, CA

Prayer for our Denomination

·      Pray for our Seminary Students and those looking for calls

·      Pray for vacant pulpits in the RPCNA

Prayer for Missions/Fraternal Denoms

·      Pray for the RP of Australia

·      Pray for persecuted brethren




This Week’s Doctrinal Meditation

That after careful examination, having embraced the system of faith, order and worship revealed in the Holy Scriptures, and summarized, as to doctrine, in the Westminster Confession and Catechisms, and Reformed Presbyterian Testimony, and, as to order and worship, justly set forth in substance and outline in the Westminster Form of Church Government and Directory for Worship, we do publicly profess and own this as the true Christian faith and religion, and the system of order and worship appointed by Christ for His own house, and, by the grace of God, we will sincerely and constantly endeavor to understand it more fully, to hold and observe it in its integrity, and to transmit the knowledge of the same to posterity. We solemnly reject whatever is known by us to be contrary to the Word of God, our recognized and approved manuals of faith and order, and the great principles of the Protestant Reformation. Particularly, we abjure and condemn Infidelity, under all its various aspects; Atheism, or the denial of the divine existence; Pantheism with its denial of the divine personality; Naturalism, with its denial of the divine Providential Government; Spiritualism, with its denial of the Bible redemption; Indifferentism, with its denial of man’s responsibility; Formalism, with its denial of the power of godliness. We abjure and condemn Popery, with its arrogant assumption of supremacy and infallibility; its corrupt and heretical teachings; its dogma of the Immaculate Conception; its hostility to civil and religious liberty, to the progress of society in civilization and intelligence, and especially its denial, in common with Infidelity, of the right and duty of the State to educate in morality and religion by the use of the Bible in schools enjoying its patronage and support.


Believing Presbyterianism to be the only divinely instituted form of government in the Christian Church, we disown and reject all others forms of ecclesiastical polity, as without authority of Scripture, and as damaging to purity, peace and unity in the household of faith.


We reject all systems of false religion and will-worship, and with these all forms of secret oath-bound societies and orders, as ensnaring in their nature, pernicious in their tendency, and perilous to the liberties of both Church and State; and pledge ourselves to pray and labor according to our power, that whatever is contrary to godliness may be removed, and the Church beautified with universal conformity to the law and will of her Divine Head and Lord. – The Covenant of 1871



From the Pastor’s Study

We formerly observed that the knowledge of God, which, in other respects, is not obscurely exhibited in the frame of the world, and in all the creatures, is more clearly and familiarly explained by the word. It may now be proper to show, that in Scripture the Lord represents himself in the same character in which we have already seen that he is delineated in his works. A full discussion of this subject would occupy a large space. But it will here be sufficient to furnish a kind of index, by attending to which the pious reader may be enabled to understand what knowledge of God he ought chiefly to search for in Scripture, and be directed as to the mode of conducting the search. I am not now adverting to the peculiar covenant by which God distinguished the race of Abraham from the rest of the nations. For when by gratuitous adoption he admitted those who were enemies to the rank of sons, he even then acted in the character of a Redeemer. At present, however, we are employed in considering that knowledge which stops short at the creation of the world, without ascending to Christ the Mediator. But though it will soon be necessary to quote certain passages from the New Testament (proofs being there given both of the power of God the Creator, and of his providence in the preservation of what he originally created), I wish the reader to remember what my present purpose is, that he may not wander from the proper subject. Briefly, then, it will be sufficient for him at present to understand how God, the Creator of heaven and earth, governs the world which was made by him. In every part of Scripture we meet with descriptions of his paternal kindness and readiness to do good, and we also meet with examples of severity which show that he is the just punisher of the wicked, especially when they continue obstinate notwithstanding of all his forbearance.” Calvin’s Institutes 1.10.1














This Month at GBRPC

Today (08/08) – If you are a regular visitor please reach out to Rev. Samul about the Faithlife App for giving and Church communication.  We welcome Mr. Seni Adeyemi to the pulpit today.


Weds. (08/25) – The Prayer meeting will be cancelled until we start a new “in-house” prayer meeting twice a month in August. We will be meeting at the Brazil’s home at 6PM.


Thursday (08/12) – Sandi Churchill will be hosting a ladies Bible study at her house at 6:30PM. The Churchill’s address is 4711 Paso Robles Ct, Sparks, NV


Weds. (09/15) – Catechumens is on break for the summer. We will reconvene in September, and pick up on question 23 of the Shorter Catechism.



                                   Significant Dates in the Congregation


Sierra Kothman 8/23/2008

Jackson Pilcher 8/29/2015





Exodus 20:1-17NKJV

Mark 2:23-3:5NKJV

Song of Solomon 5:2-6NKJV