Great Basin Reformed Presbyterian Church
December 11th, 2022

 Great Basin

Reformed Presbyterian Church

9725 S Virginia St

 Reno, NV 89511

Contact Info

Rev. Colin Samul                                                 Elder Greg Kothman

775-636-2703                                                                  775-552-5777              



We welcome you in the name of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. We hope you will be encouraged and edified, having heard Biblical truth in love. Great Basin RP is a member of the Reformed Presbyterian Church of North America, one of the oldest denominations in the United States. We are committed to the doctrines of Scripture and the formation of loving community as a necessary fruit of the Gospel. In light of the above, we believe that the most comprehensive and accurate summary of biblical teaching is found in the Westminster Confession of Faith, together with the Westminster Larger and Shorter Catechisms. These documents were completed in 1647 as a summary of Christian belief and practice, with the desired intention of helping Christ’s church become unified in doctrine, government, and worship (John 17:11). In addition to the Westminster Standards, we also maintain the Testimony of the Reformed Presbyterian Church of North America, which is our denomination’s own continuing and contemporary application of the Word of God to our current culture and context.

Set Up Schedule:

12/04 - Owen Goggiano, Steve Pilcher

12/11 – Eric Maupin, Greg Kothman

12/18 – Tyler Macaluso & Miles Brazil

12/25 – Will Mejia & Paul Adamson

Nursery Schedule:

12/04 – Sandi Churchill & Evangeline Samul

12/11 - Kobi Kothman & Nate Kothman

12/18– Kelsey Pilcher & Sierra Kothman

12/25 ­– Jordyn Brazil & Mele Samul


Giving for the Month of November - $1132 (Goal - $5500)

Diaconal Fund - $864 (November - $17)



Oh come, let us worship and bow down;

Let us kneel before the Lord our maker.

Psalm 95:6



Great Basin

Reformed Presbyterian Church


Today’s Schedule – December 11, 2022

Evening Worship .................................................................2:30 PM

Sunday School     ..................................................................5:15 PM


Psalm of the Month – 119E






*Call to Worship/Greeting                              1 Peter 2:9-10

*Praise                                                           Psalm 99A


*Prayer of Invocation

Reading of the Law                                         Dt. 5:1-21


Prayer of Confession                


*Psalm of Response                                         Psalm 51A


           Scripture Reading                                           Proverbs 3


*Praise                                                           Psalm 26A


Prayer of Intercession                                      


Scripture Reading                                         Galatians 6:1-10


Psalm of Preparation                                       Psalm 119B (3,4)


Prayer of Illumination


Sermon-                              “Maintaining the Household of God””                                                                                

*Psalm of Praise                                             Psalm 133A



*Congregation stands


Tithes/Offerings to GBRPC can be placed in the donation box on the back welcome table.


GBRPC provides a nursery for children under 3 years old, during the sermon. The nursery is located in the sanctuary, behind the Solas.



“Maintaining the Household of God”

Galatians 6:6-10




Theme: Because Christ has justified us and knit us together as

the family of God; we should be generous in our giving

to the Church, while bearing the fruit of the Spirit with one

another .



Giving Material Support to the Ministry of the Church (Vs 6)













Bearing Spiritual Fruit Towards One Another (Vs 7-10)












·      Pray for Sandi’s Aunt Jackie who has been diagnosed with stage 4 cancer.

·      Pray for Ynez Goggiano who is suffering from a frozen shoulder due to an injury she received in April.  

·      Pray for Andrew that he gets a better shift with his job so that he can worship with us each Lord’s Day.

·      Pray for wisdom for the Kothmans in dealing with parental health needs.  

·      Pray for RP Church Planters and for Rev. Hemphill as he is church planting in Boise, ID.

·      Continue to Pray and give thanks for Eric Maupin who has experienced some relief from long COVID symptoms.

·      Pray for Eric Mulder as he continues to struggle with a brain tumor and cancer treatment, and for him and his wife Leah as they search for a new Church.

·      Please pray for Rev. Jon Maginn with pain and sleep issues.

·      Pray for Tyler Macaluso’s father, Tony, who is carrying the weight of issues within his family.

·      Pray for the Churchill’s Niece/Cousin Natalie

·      Pray for Shanna’s back as she continues to suffer with Arthritis

·      Pray for Rev. Patrick McNeely’s wife Jaclyn who was recently diagnosed with a genetic condition known to produce cancer.

·      Pray for Ginger Kothman as she adjusts to her new epilepsy medicine.

·      Pray for Will and Kathleen Mejia and their new son, Charles.

·      Pray for Jordyn’s friend, Jackie. She is dealing with chronic pain. Please pray for healing, comfort, joy and answers.

·      Prayer for Miles and his family as they mourn the loss of his grandma. Pray for his grandpa as he is now alone and also that he would repent and trust in Christ.

·      Pray for John Sawtelle as he is laying the groundwork for planting a RP church in Sacramento and that the Lord would send a fellow laborer.

·      Pray for Rev. Samul’s uncle Dan whose wife, Donna died from the progress of dementia.







This Week’s Congregational Prayers


Prayer for our Nation

·     Pray that our leaders would come to know Christ and

Submit to him

·     Pray for an end to abortion.


Prayer for our Church

·     Pray that the Lord would raise up Deacons and other Office

bearers for our congregation

·     Pray for those who have unsaved family members


Prayer for our Presbytery

·     Pray for our Church in Los Angeles, CA as they continue to

search for a Pastor


Prayer for our Denomination

·   Pray for the Atlantic Presbytery


Prayer for Local Churches

·   Pray for the Living Stones Churches


Prayer for Missions/Fraternal Denominations

·     Pray for the RP of Canada

·     Pray for persecuted brethren







This Week’s Confessional Meditation

20. Christians should not marry those who give only nominal adherence to

the Christian faith.1 Cor. 7:39; 2 Cor. 6:14.


21. We reject the last sentence in paragraph 4 of the Confession of Faith.


22. The prohibition of marriage with a deceased wife’s sister or a deceased husband’s brother is not warranted by Scripture. Lev. 18:18; Deut. 25:5-10.


23. Before seeking divorce, it is the responsibility of the innocent party to attempt reconciliation with the guilty party in the same manner as in any

case of sin, first by his or her own ap- peal, and then, if need be, by calling

on the elders of the church. Matt. 18:15-17.


24. In any marriage threatened with dissolution, or even if divorce has occurred, both parties ought to strive for reconciliation on the basis of repentance for sin and willingness to forgive. Eph. 5:25-33; Eph. 4:31-32;

1 Cor. 7:10-14.


25. Members of the household of faith should beware of seeking marriage counsel from unbelievers or from those who have failed to integrate their

faith with their professional work. Matt. 18:15-17; 2 Cor. 6:14-17.


26. Desertion can be a ground of divorce only when the departing person

is an unbeliever. 1 Cor. 7:15; Matt. 18:17.


27. If the unrepentant guilty party in a divorce marries another, he

commits adultery. Matt. 19:9.


28. Where the guilty party shows evidence of repentance for the sin of breaking a marriage, the Church may receive or restore him or her to membership. Gal. 6:1







This Month at GBRPC


Today (12/11) – We welcome you as you join with us in worship of the Triune

God! If you are a regular visitor please reach out to Rev. Samul or

Elder Kothman about the Faithlife App for giving and Church Communication. Please fellowship with us at a potluck meal immediately after the worship service, followed by Adult & Children’s Sabbath School. 


Today (12/11) - We will be partaking in the Lord's Supper and all are encouraged

to partake, visitors are asked to speak with Rev. Samul or Elder Kothman first.


Mon (12/19) – The Men’s Study will be held in the White House at 6PM. 

We will be starting “Knowing God” by J.I. Packer. Chapters 5-6. Please get

both the book and study guide.


Mon (??/2023) – The Ladies Bible Study will reconvene in the new year.


 Sun (12/25) – We will be partaking in the Lord’s Supper. All members and adherents are encouraged to prepare their hearts and partake. Visitors will be asked to speak with Rev. Samul or Elder Kothman before the service.






                       Significant Dates in the Congregation


Birthdays                                           Anniversaries

Evan: 12/4                                         Colin & Shanna: 12/03

Henry: 12/12                                     Andrew & Allison: 12/21

Oliver: 12/14                                     Owen & Inez: 12/31

Kathleen: 12/19

Allison: 12/22

Leland: 12/30

Deuteronomy 5:1-21NKJV

Acts 26:1-18NKJV

Galatians 6:1-10NKJV