1. Dear Dr. Fee, Congratulations on your book Paul, the Spirit and the People of God, and I share you that I am from Guatemala and I am reading in the Spanish version, since it is a recommended book for a study that I am doing on behalf of the seminar. My question is because in the system logos does not allow me the option to read aloud ?, since this tool is useful to me when I have long trips in automobile. It would be possible for you to authorize this or serious consultation with the logos team. Thank you very much for your reply. Note. I do not know English and I'm using google translate, I apologize if you do not understand something.
    2.  — Edited

      I also tried to read the Spanish version, but it's too difficult for me. I would like to know more languages, especially since in the modern world this is a big plus. For example, recently I needed to do a German translation and I couldn't do it myself. This source helped me https://www.translate.com/languages/german-translation-services It's great that there are professional services that you can turn to for help.
  • Dear Dr. Fee,  your books have been a blessing to me.  May I ask you a question? Is it true that if a Christian couple gets a divorce, we have to stay single or we will be committing adultery? I was married for 15 years and it was a troubling marriage...sigh. The thought of being single for the rest of my life is...painful.
    1. it depends on the issues. God dose not want you living chained down in misery and unhappiness, and in a marriage that is bringing no glory to God Gods grace is all you need he will bless you
  • Dr Fee, I love your work and your insights into scripture. I have noticed that most good commentaries, including yours, make quotes from texts that are outside of the Bible. Could you tell me what is the value of these extra-biblical texts and how they help us understand the scripture. Thanks
    1. Dr Fee i think you should wright the next Acts Commentary in the NCNT PLeas
      1. Greetings Dr Fee, My name is Allan Wentt, Jr. I am physician by training, but more importantly a follower of Christ. Although I have no formal training in biblical studies I  do read to inform my faith on wide berth of bible related topics. My main source is my bible. The reason I am writing to you and have joined your FL group is that I have begun reading your book God's Empowering Presence. Upon my reading a question came to mind. I hope you will indulge me to ask it. Do you believe that the Pauline corpus should form the sole basis for a theology of the Spirit of Truth or as Paul would write the Holy Spirit?
        1. Hey I'm trying to private message you
      2.  — Edited

        Hi Dr Fee.  how are you my name is Luke. I'm from Australia  I'm currently enrolled in Harvest Bible College. Training to be more effective in my service to God.  Iv just purchased your  2nd edition of (1cor) NICNT I haven't had a chance to read it yet but I feel it will have a wealth of insight  and give me a better understanding of teaching (1cor). Some churches Iv been to say to let the Lords supper pass bye you if you have sin in your live or  Unforgiveness in your hart they say that's the unworthy manner in taking the Lords supper. Is that true?  From (1cor) I don't think the text support's that teaching. Are you gonna do an application style commentary on anything in the futur? or have you  already got something like that out? And Women covering there heads is something that's been deviding the church I go to because some girls are saying your not doing what the bible says and the others are saying it was for a place and time for that culture what do you think? It's a culture thing in my understanding of it but I can't seem to get through to people  Iv told them to wear there wedding rings and that's the same principle. Any advice  or a way I can explain it to them to make them understand?. Or am I wrong in that take on it ?
        1. How to handle both the tradition (speaking tongues) and bible?
          1. has joined the group.