Morning Worship
10:30 a.m.
Welcome to Green Valley Baptist Church
Second Sunday of Advent
Hymns of Praise - No. 249
O Come, All Ye Faithful
Advent Candle Lighting for FAITH
Ron and Sue Tinnin
Hymn No. 251 It Came Upon the Midnight Clear
Special Music Song of Joy with Hark! The Herald Angels Sing Choir
Pastoral Prayer Pastor Steve Wagner
Hymn No. 250 O Little of Bethlehem
Offertory Prayer Stuart Austin
Offertory Marilyn Schum
Special Music One Small Child Margaret Little
Sermon Pastor John Guillott
Luke 1: 57-80
Invitation Hymn No. 624 His Eye Is on the Sparrow
Benediction Stuart Austin
Connection Cards: Please fill out a connection card if you are a
first-time visitor, have special needs, a prayer request, or if you
wish to talk to anyone on the pastoral staff. Completed cards may
be dropped in the offering plate or given to one of the ushers.
Saints Alive: Will be going to Gaslight Theatre Monday Dec 6th.
The bus will leave at 12:00 pm. Also, please note that the Saints
Alive Christmas party scheduled for Tuesday, December 14th has
been cancelled.
Lottie Moon: The month of December, we will be collecting for
Lottie Moon Christmas Offering for International Missions. Our
goal for 2021 is $15,000. Please remember to make your check
payable to GVBC and notate on the check or giving envelope-
Lottie Moon.
Christmas Staff Love Offering: Please make your check
payable to GVBC with a notation of “staff gift”. The deadline for
contributions is next Sunday, December 12th. Contributions received after December 12th will not be included in the gift for
The Lord's Supper: We will be observing the Lord's supper on Sunday December 19th.
GVBC Nativity Drive Thru: This week starts the GVBC Nativity
Drive Thru. We will start with a drive through for the church and the
1st responders on Thursday, Dec 9th at 6:00pm. Friday Dec 10th
through Sunday will be open to the public from 6pm-8pm. A bin will
be available for non-perishable food donations to benefit our local
food bank.
Shepherd’s Fold Open House AND Christmas Program: Please
note that the date for the Open House has been changed to
Wednesday, Dec 8 th from 6pm-8pm. Please come and view all the
beautiful Christmas decorations! Also, they will be having their
annual Christmas Program on Friday, Dec 10 th at 11:00am in the
Sanctuary. This is always a special event that the children (and
teachers) work very hard preparing for.
GVBC Christmas Child, now through Dec 19th : Please see Gift
Tree located in the foyer and information on the WMU board. Pick a
paper ornament and buy a gift for a child for Shepherd’s Fold. Please have wrapped gift in the Mission Box by December 19th. Ro Vinson is willing to shop for anyone who wants to participate but is unable to get out.
James Dixon - Dec 5
Sherma Kutz - Dec 6
Janice Elliott - Dec 6
Joyce Prim - Dec 7
Roger Hummel - Dec 7
Lynn Conroy - Dec 7
Virginia Crabtree - Dec 8
Johnathan Platz - Dec 8
Alma Cavaletto - Dec 10
Deacon of the Week: Stuart Austin
Alternate of the Week: Bud Blumke
The men serving on our Deacon Ministry Team are servant ministers who are called to help our pastors meet the needs of the church family.
Luke 1:57-80
Zechariah’s song challenges us to expect God to work even in the middle of our present difficult circumstances. We do this by looking back at the actions of God and then looking forward to the promises of God.
- Malachi 3:1
- Ephesians 3:20
Not every situation will be easy….1 Peter 4:12
God knows exactly what you want - but what is more assuring is that God knows exactly what you need.
Sunday, Dec 5 - (Bible Reading – 2Chron 34-36)
9:00 am Sunday School Classes
10:30 am Worship Service – John Guillott
3:00 pm Silver Springs Service – Charles Logan
6:00 pm Life Group
Monday, Dec 6 - (Bible Reading – Esther 1-2; Luke 12)
9:30 am Ladies Bible Study- Room C1
12:00 pm Gaslight Theatre (Bus leaves at 12)
6:00 pm Deacon’s Meeting
Tuesday, Dec 7 - (Bible Reading – Esther 3-5)
Wednesday, Dec 8 - (Bible Reading – Esther 6-8)
3:00 pm Missions/Evangelism meeting (zoom)
6:00pm - 8:00pm Shepherd’s Fold Open House
6:00 pm Prayer Meeting
6:45 pm Choir Practice
Thursday, Dec 9 - (Bible Reading – Esther 9-10; Luke 13)
9:00 am Men’s Bible Study (8:30 breakfast)
10:00 am Ladies Bible Study
6:00 pm Church walkaround and 1st responders
for the GVBC Drive Thru Nativity
6:00 pm Devotions with Pastor Steve (Facebook)
Friday, Dec 10 - (Bible Reading – Haggai 1-2; Luke14)
11:00 am Shepherd’s Fold Christmas Program
6:00pm - 8:00pm GVBC Drive Thru Nativity
Saturday, Dec 11 - (Bible Reading – Joshua 1-3)
6:00 p.m. Devotions with Charles Logan (Facebook)
6:00pm - 8:00pm GVBC Drive Thru Nativity