Green Valley Baptist Church
10:30 a.m.
Worship Service
Welcome & Announcements
Hymns of Praise No. 118
His Name Is Wonderful
Gentle Shepherd
Pastoral Prayer
Hymn No.690
He Leadeth Me
Hymn No. 401
The Church's One Foundation
Special Music - Bob Smith
Offertory Prayer - Bud Blumke
Offertory Music - Linda Clifton
Message - Pastor John Guillott
Psalm 23
Invitation Hymn No. 527
I Know Whom I Have Believed
Benediction - Bud Blumke
Connection Cards: Please fill out a connection card if you are a
first-time visitor, have special needs, a prayer request, or if you
wish to talk to anyone on the pastoral staff. Completed cards may
be dropped in the offering plate or given to one of the ushers.
Quarterly Business and Prayer Meeting: Wednesday, July 20th at 6:00 pm in the sanctuary. All welcome to attend. Business packets are available in the foyer.
Keyboard/piano player needed: We have a need for a keyboard player for one half hour (2:30 - 3:00) on Sundays in July. If you would like to help, please contact Charles Logan.
Vicki Stone - July 10
RoxeAnn Teiper - July 10
Diane Trotter - July 10
Rayetta Mead - July 13
Carol Cohu - July 13
Ron Trotter - July 13
Dave Alhart - July 15
Laura Neefe - July 15
Deacon of the Week: Bud Blumke
Alternate of the Week: Rick Woodard
The men serving on our Deacon Ministry Team are servant ministers who are called to help our pastors meet the needs of the church family.
Sunday, July 10 - (Bible Reading – Mark 9)
9:00 am Sunday School Classes
10:30 am Worship Service – John Guillott
2:00 pm Silver Springs Bible Study & Worship
6:00 pm Life Group
Monday, July 11 - (Bible Reading – Mark 10)
Tuesday, July 12 - (Bible Reading – Mark 11)
10:15 am Saints Alive – Cracker Barrel
Wednesday, July 13 - (Bible Reading – Mark 12)
6:00 pm Prayer Meeting – guest speaker
Joy and Ed James
6:45 pm Choir Rehearsal
Thursday, July 14 - (Bible Reading – Mark 13)
8:30 am Men’s Breakfast followed by Bible Study at 9:00am
10:00 am Ladies Bible Study – cancelled
(Resumes July 21st )
Friday, July 15 - (Bible Reading – Mark 14:1-31)
Saturday, July 16 - (Bible Reading – Mark 14:32-72)
Series: 23rd Psalm
Psalm 23
These are days when all of us could use some encouragement. There is a reason why Psalm 23 is one of the best known and best loved chapters in the Bible. God has used this Psalm to encourage His people for more than 3,000 years.
We begin today with v. 1: “The Lord is my shepherd: I shall not want.” (NKJV)
David knew what it took to be a shepherd…
This psalm deals with the realities of life…when you face difficult decisions, this psalm is for you…
The quality of life enjoyed by any flock depends entirely on their shepherd.
“The Lord is MY shepherd…”
This psalm is for believers….
When the Lord is your Shepherd, you have all that you need.