Green Valley Baptist Church
10:30 a.m.
Worship Service
Welcome & Announcements
Hymns of Praise No. 107
Lord, I Lift Your Name on High
Hymn No. 499
I Will Sing the Wondrous Story
Pastoral Prayer - Pastor JP
Hymn No. 498
O Happy Day!
Hymn No. 349
O How He Loves You and Me
Special Music - Choir and George Stoller (solo)
I Shall Never Forget the Day
Offertory - Ernie Vinson
Offertory Music - Marilyn Schum
Pastor John Guillott
Matthew 26:26-30
Lord's Supper
Invitation Hymn No. 311
Hallelujah, What a Savior!
Closing Chorus No. 426
Blest Be the Tie That binds
Benediction - Ernie Vinson
Connection Cards: Please fill out a connection card if you are a
first-time visitor, have special needs, a prayer request, or if you
wish to talk to anyone on the pastoral staff. Completed cards may
be dropped in the offering plate or given to one of the ushers.
Canyon Day Retreat: This Thursday, March 9th. Limit of 25 people so please make sure you are signed up. We still have open spots.
Safety Training seminar: Tuesday, March 14, from 8:00-2:00. Topic is “Dealing with Violent Intruders.” This will be an active training session. Seminar is free, just need to register.
Monday Ladies Bible Study: will be starting a new 4-week series for the month of March, beginning March 6. The Book of Mark: Christ, the Perfect Servant of God
Operation Christmas Child: Please see bulletin insert for the items being collected for the month of march. Drop off bin in back foyer.
Group Picture: Next Sunday, March 12, after service.
Brett Baker Mar 7
Candi Barrall Mar 9
Cynthia Wolcott Mar 10
Dennis Stahl Mar 10
Deacon of the Week: Ernie Vinson
Alternate of the Week: Billy Biby
The men serving on our Deacon Ministry Team are servant ministers who are called to help our pastors meet the needs of the church family.
Matthew 26:26-30
As we participate in the Lord’s Supper collectively - it is something we should take very personally. It is a powerful reminder and strong symbol of our Lord’s sacrifice on the cross.
- 1 Corinthians 11:27-30
Sunday, Mar 5 - (Bible Reading – Proverbs 5)
9:00 am Sunday School
10:30 am Worship Service – Pastor John Guillott
2:00 pm Silver Springs Bible Study & Worship
6:00 pm Life Group
Monday, Mar 6 - (Bible Reading – Proverbs 6)
9:30 am Ladies Bible Study – Christ, the Perfect Servant of God
(The Book of Mark)
6:00 pm Deacon’s Meeting
Tuesday, Mar 7 - (Bible Reading – Proverbs 7)
11:30 am Saints Alive – Game Day
Wednesday, Mar 8 - (Bible Reading – Proverbs 8)
11:00 am Finance Committee Meeting
6:00 pm Prayer Meeting – Speaker JP, Hospice
6:45 pm Choir Practice
Thursday, Mar 9 - (Bible Reading – Proverbs 9)
Canyon Day
8:30 am Men’s Bible Study
10:00 am Ladies Bible Study – Book of Signs
3:15-4:00pm Bible Study at Prestige Assisted Living
6:00 pm Thursday Night Devotional on Facebook-
“The Evolving Church: Millstone or Milestone”
2 Tim 4:3-4
Friday, Mar 10 - (Bible Reading – Proverbs 10)
Saturday, Mar 11 - (Bible Reading – Proverbs 11)