June 11th, 2023
Reflecting the Son in the Valley John Guillott, Pastor John Prim, Music Director/Associate Pastor David Pack, Associate Pastor
Order of Service

10:30 a.m.

Welcome & Announcements

Hymns of Praise No. 12

Praise Him! Praise Him!

Hymn No. 5

I Sing Praises

Pastoral Prayer

Hymn No. 8

Come, Thou Almighty King

Hymn No. 3

Holy, Holy, Holy! Lord God Almighty

Special Music - Dave Alhart, solo - with Choir

Sweeter as the Days Go By

Missionary Moments

Offertory - Ed Holbert

Offertory Music - Marilyn Schum


Pastor John Prim


Leviticus 10:1-11

Invitation Hymn No. 596

I Surrender All

Benediction - Ed Holbert


Connection Cards: Our Church family wants to welcome you to our service today. Finding the right place to worship God each week can be overwhelming. We’re a group of imperfect, Jesus- loving followers from all sorts of backgrounds and past experiences. Our prayer for you is that you feel welcome no matter where you are in your life. May your time today result in a spiritual renewal and a better understanding of how much God loves you!


Vacation Bible School: Words cannot express our gratitude for our VBS Volunteers. We couldn’t have done it without their dedication and sacrifice – young and old alike, of those who tirelessly gave of themselves to pour into our communities’ children and their families. Romans 10:15 CSB “…As it is written: How beautiful are the feet of those who bring good news.”


Jann Penserini 6/11

Phyllis Conley 6/13

Steve Wagner 6/15

Malou Teopaco 6/15

Deacon of the Week: Ed Holbert

Alternate Deacon: Charles Logan

The men serving on our Deacon Ministry Team are servant ministers who are called to help our pastors meet the needs of the church family.

Sermon Outline


Leviticus 10:1-11

  • Our God is _____________________________________.

  • His priests are __________________________________.

  • His call is ______________________________________.

This Week at GVBC

Sunday June 11 - (Bible Reading – Joshua 20-21)

9:00 am Sunday School

10:30 am Sunday Service – Pastor John Prim

No Life Group (Month of June)

Monday, June 12 - (Bible Reading – Joshua 22-23)

3:00 pm Women on Mission meeting

Tuesday, June 13 - (Bible Reading – Joshua 24

10:30 am Saints Alive – going to BJ’s Brewhouse

Welcome ALL- just be at the church at 10:30!

Wednesday, June 14 - (Bible Reading – Judges 1-2)

10:00 am Finance Committee Meeting

6:00 pm Prayer Meeting- Guest speaker,

Alejandra Martinez from Crossroad Nogales Mission

6:45 pm Choir Practice

Thursday, June 15 - (Bible Reading – Judges 3-4)

Friday, June 16 - (Bible Reading – Judges 5-6)

Saturday, June 17 - (Bible Reading – Judges 7-8)